Parallon Coding Challenge

To avoid taking longer than I already have I am aware that I DID NOT
  • Write unit tests
  • Write integration tests of which I would use JBehave/Sonar
  • Write a checkstyle / lint
  • I chose NOT to use lombok for ease of running
  • I did use the gradle wrapper for ease of use (i.e. ./gradlew)
  • I would create custom login, error and 404 pages
  • I am would have currently used more of an Event Sourced methodology but felt this was my best bet given the time I lost due to computer issues as well as other personal issues

Username: user

Password: password


Swagger URL's

http://localhost:8080/swagger-resources - Base URL http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html - HTML UI to run endpoints http://localhost:8080/v2/api-docs - JSON formatted docs

Direct URL Endpoints

http://localhost:8080/api/customers - GET - All customers http://localhost:8080/api/customer/{id} - GET a customer by id http://localhost:8080/api/customer - POST - Create a customer passing in the JSON representation http://localhost:8080/api/customer - PUT - Update a customer passing in the JSON representation http://localhost:8080/api/customer - DELETE - Remove a customer passing in the JSON representation http://localhost:8080/api/customer/{customerId}/accounts - GET All accounts for a given customer http://localhost:8080/api/customer/{customerId}/account{id} - GET - Get an account for a given customer http://localhost:8080/api/customer/{customerId}/account - PUT - Update an account for a given customer passing in the JSON representation http://localhost:8080/api/customer/{customerId}/account/{id}/deposit/{amount} - PUT - Deposit an amount for a given account for a given customer http://localhost:8080/api/customer/{customerId}/account/{id}/withdraw/{amount} - PUT - Withdraw an amount for a given account for a given customer http://localhost:8080/api/customer/{customerId}/account/transfer/{fromAccountId}/{toAccountId}/{amount} - PUT - Transfer an amount from a given account to another for a given customer http://localhost:8080/api/customer/{customerId}/account - DELETE - Remove an account for a given customers passing in the JSON representation

to run WITHOUT docker

./gradlew bootRun

#!/usr/bin/env bash


git_branch() { git branch 2>/dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* (.*)/ (\1)/' }


PS1="[\e[0;93m]\u[\e[m]" # username PS1+=" " # space PS1+="[\e[0;95m]\W[\e[m]" # current directory PS1+="[\e[0;92m]$(git_branch)[\e[m]" # current branch PS1+=" " # space PS1+=">> " # end prompt export PS1; export CLICOLOR=1 export LSCOLORS=ExFxBxDxCxegedabagacad