
An implementation of the Lua Programming Language for the Multiple project

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Lua Programming Language

An implementation of the Lua Programming Language for the Multiple project.


This project referenced Lua 5.2 and (currently) implemented a subset of it.


The following features may work:

  1. Basic types, including nil, boolean, number, string, table, function;
  2. Expression and Operators;
  3. Multiple return value;
  4. Closure;
  5. Control structures including if..then..else, while, repeat, break and return;
  6. Library Facilities;
  7. Few libraries;

The following features may not work:

  1. Userdata;
  2. 'for' statement;
  3. Coroutine;
  4. Eval;
  5. rest parts didn't mentioned


The project is a free software and released under GNU Public License version 3.