
The Nihongo Resources grammar book: "An Introduction to Japanese; Syntax, Grammar & Language"

Primary LanguageTeX

An introduction to Japanese - Syntax, Grammar & Language

This is the new repository for the data that is used to generate the book "An introduction to Japanese" as found at http://www.amazon.com/dp/9081507117 and other stores.

I've been running it as a dokuwiki for a few years on http://grammar.nihongoresources.com and that has proven to be useful, but progressively harder to maintain as dokuwiki changes its APIs, and my content relies on specific dokuwiki plugins for which I don't have time to actually update them to work with the new versions.

So, I'll be trying to rewrite it to a self-contained website that you can file github issues for, with a php compiler to turn the raw data into .pdf data.

Interesting fact: just because someone's front door is open doesn't mean you have the right to take their stuff, and in the same vein: just because I'm hosting this on a public repository does not give you the right to use the code and raw data for your own purposes.

This book is free for the general public in PDF form, and available as the more traditional (affordable, gasp!) paper textbook version at book retailers, but this is a product, not a project: all code and data is owned by me, Mike "Pomax" Kamermans, and I reserve all rights. You expressly do not have permission to start compiling your own version (except to test the compilation from plain text to .pdf), nor do you have permission to distribute this code or data yourself.

You are, however, welcome to help improve the text, or suggesting compile improvements, by filing issues or submitting pull requests. Contributions deserve acknowledgements in the book's acknowledgement section.