
Modified Computer Architecture SAP-2 by Malvino


Modified Computer Architecture SAP-2 by Malvino

I've only added Jump, Jump If 0, Store, and Load Indirect in this version of SAP-2, apart from its primary SAP-1 feature. It also inherits the SAP-1 T-states, which has a maximum condition of 6.

Malvino Layout

Malvino's Layout

Version 1 (March. 29, 2020)

Version 1

The table underneath shows the SAP-2 instruction set.

SAP-2 instruction set

Mnemonic Operation OPCODE in Hex
LDA Load addressed memory contents into accumulator 0
ADD Add addressed memory contents to accumulator 1
SUB Subtract addressed memory contents from accumulator 2
STA Store the accumulator contents at memory location 3
JMP Get the next instruction from the designated memory location 4
JZ Get the next instruction if zero flag is set 5
LIN Indirect addressing using RET and LDA 6
OUT Load accumulator data into output register E
HLT Stop processing F