
Rim is Ruby IMage processing library for Cygwin.

Primary LanguageC++

Rim  -- Ruby IMage processing library

NISHI Takao <zophos@koka-in.org>

= What's Rim

Rim is Ruby IMage processing library for Cygwin.

= Requirements

* Ruby 1.8 or higher
* OpenCV 2.0.0a or higher
* NArray
* Ruby/GSL (optional)

* for webcam access on Windows
** Visual Studio 2008 (express edition)
** Windows SDK v7
** ewclib

= Build and Install

To be written.

You could build me, If you lucky.

= Copying

Copyright (c) 2010 NISHI Takao <zophos@koka-in.org> All rights reserved.
This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.

You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of Ruby's licence.

Comments, suggestions, patches and beers are welcome.

src/ewclib_dll/ewclib.h is written by I.N.

src/ext/process/imura-naist-labeling.h originates in IMURA
Masataka's "Labeling.h"