
There are 2 parts and notebooks in this session. We will be using part1_emulator.ipynb and part2_inference.ipynb to demonstrate how one can use neural networks to emulate a complex model and how to use the emulator in Bayesian inference. The folder, answers, contains the same 2 notebooks with all blocks filled.


  1. Required modules on Gadi:
    module purge
    module load gcc/11.1.0 openmpi/4.0.7 gsl/2.6 hdf5/1.10.5p cmake/3.18.2 python3/3.8.5

  2. Required Python packages:
    pip install numpy emcee scipy corner matplotlib tensorflow pymultinest mpi4py tqdm

  3. MultiNest (optional), a required package to be built from source: - git clone - cd MultiNest/build - cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="WhereToInstall" ..; make install P.S. to solve the bug with cmake on Gadi using ccmake - hit t to toggle advanced mode - input in MPI_Fortran_F77_HEADER_DIR with /apps/openmpi-mofed5.5-pbs2021.1/4.0.7/include - input in MPI_Fortran_MODULE_DIR with /apps/openmpi-mofed5.5-pbs2021.1/4.0.7/lib - hit c to configure and then g to generate makefile - if configuration at step 4 fails, delete the input for entry m then go to step 4 again