git checkout develop git flow feature start navigation
Create a feature branch with git flow
git flow feature start feature-name
Push branch to GitHub first time
git push -u origin feature/feature-name
After you make changes on some files commit
git add .
git commit -m "Tell what you have been doing in this commit and what you have changed"
Now you push
changes to GitHub
git push
If you finished a feature and want to merge it into the develop branch, go to your project on GitHub, navigate to 'Pull request' and add a new Pullrequest from your feature branch to the develop branch. Now you can assign it to a person, which can look through your changes and recommand changes. When everone (or you as the admin) is happy with the changes, you can merge the pull request with the button on the bottom of the page.
And so you finally changed the project 🎉
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