Scanned books and articles

Bloch, Maurice (1977) The Past and the Present in the Present

Goody, Jack (ed.) (1958) The developmental cycle in domestic groups

Schaeffer, F. A. (1926) Les Tertres funéraires préhistoriques dans la Forêt de Haguenau -- I. Les Tumulus de I'Age du Bronze

Stead, Ian (1998) Salisbury Hoard

Szombathy, Josef (1912) Altertumsfunde aus Höhlen bei St. Kanzian im österreichischen KüstenlandeSt Kanzian (Škocjan) [Sorry for the bad scan (the book is old and stiff)]

Puschi, Alberto (1905) La necropoli preromana di Nesazio Atti e Memorie della Società istriana di Archeologia e Storia Patria, vol. 22, 1905