DevTown WordPress Automation Scripts

What is it?

These are a set of scripts intended to make life easier when dealing with WordPress applications in a continuous integration environment. Tasks such as migrating data (including hostname munging) and configuring for different environments are managed here.

How do I use it?

Initial Setup

  1. If you haven't started your WordPress app yet, download the latest WordPress release, and, in your local environment, configure things normally, including your local database environment. If you're already well along in development on the application, that's OK too, and you're one step ahead.

  2. Incorporate dt-wordpress-automation by running the following from the directory of your WordPress application:

    curl -L | bash -s

    This will initialize a local git repo for the project (if needed), setup some environment files and add this project as a submodule for future use.

  3. Configure the environments. You'll have a newly created subdirectory in your project called _environments. For each contained environment-specific config file, setup the appropriate database and hostname attributes.

Keeping up-to-date

As this set of scripts evolves, you'll want to get the latest and greatest. To do so, from within your project, run:


Dumping the development database

From your development environment:


Preparing development for CI

When you're ready to push your code for a CI deployment, and want to capture the state of your local development database, simply run this command before pushing:


This command will dump the development database, fix up the hostnames for CI, and save it in the _environments directory for later import by the build server in the CI environment.

Dumping a database, and transforming the hostnames

A very common task is to move from the development environment to the ci environment, and need to adjust the hostnames in the database dump for embedded links in pages, etc. Assuming you configured the _environments files correctly, you can do this:

dt/dbmigrate development ci

This command will dump the database, and translate all instances of the development hostname to the ci hostname. The db dump will be printed to the screen. (Note that this task is most often performed automatically at DT on the build server)

Importing a database

Tying everything together here -- you can import a database from stdin with the import script. Again, assuming you configured the _environments files correctly, you can perform an operation like this:

dt/dbmigrate development ci | dt/dbimport ci

This command will run the migrate script as above, and then import the result into the ci database instance. (Note that this task is most often performed automatically at DT on the build server)