
Simple Debian Docker images with passwordless SSH access and a regular user with sudo rights

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Simple Debian/Ubuntu Docker images with passwordless SSH access and a regular user with sudo rights


docker build -t [IMAGE NAME] --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=[YOUR DEBIAN BASED IMAGE] .

Tags (and their corresponding official base images)


  • latest -> debian:latest
  • jessie -> debian:jessie
  • wheezy -> debian:wheezy
  • squeeze -> debian:squeeze


  • ubuntu -> ubuntu:latest
  • vivid -> ubuntu:vivid
  • utopic -> ubuntu:utopic
  • trusty -> ubuntu:trusty
  • precise -> ubuntu:precise


The images are built by Docker hub. Each Debian release corresponds to a tag. To run an SSH daemon in a new Debian "wheezy" container:

docker run -d -p 2222:22 -e SSH_KEY="$(cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub)" [name]
docker run -d -p 2222:22 -e SSH_KEY="ssh-rsa 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 zoravur.s@gmail.com" [name]

This requires a public key in ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub.

Two users exist in the container: root (superuser) and docker (a regular user with passwordless sudo). SSH access using your key will be allowed for both root and docker users. To connect to this container as root:

ssh -p 2222 root@localhost

To connect to this container as regular user:

ssh -p 2222 docker@localhost

Change 2222 to any local port number of your choice.


Each Debian release corresponds to a Git branch, the branches differ only by the FROM element in the Dockerfile.

To create the image krlmlr/debian-ssh e.g. for Debian "jessie":

git checkout jessie
make build

Use make rebuild to pull the base image and rebuild without caching.


Execute make test to create a container and fetch all environment variables via SSH. This requires an .ssh/id_rsa.pub file in your home, it will be passed to the container via the environment variable SSH_KEY and installed. The Makefile is configured to run the container with the limited docker account, this user is allowed to run sudo without requiring a password. The SSH daemon will be always run with root access. The debug-* targets can help troubleshooting any issues you might encounter.