A https validation tool based on phantomjs. It can detect more dynamic loaded resources than static HTML analyze.
npm install https-scan
Help you find out bad http:// resources in your https:// page!
Test on one url.
https-scan https://www.yahoo.com/
Check on many urls.
https-scan https://www.yahoo.com/ https://google.com/
Use a file to check more urls (1 url in 1 line).
https-scan --file url_list_file
Keep slient when testing.
https-scan --file url_list_file --slient
Show me more final detail.
https-scan --file url_list_file --debug
Show me more bad resources detail.
https-scan --file url_list_file --verbose
Lower the concurrent level to 1 (test one after another) .
https-scan --fil url_list_file --verbose --concurrent 1
Do crazy concourrent scan (May drain lots of memory) .
https-scan --fil url_list_file --verbose --concurrent 999
Show options.