
A nodejs command line tool to download youtube playlist into mp3 files

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A nodejs command line tool to download youtube playlist into mp3 files

How to use (for developers)

First, you should create a google API project with a project key.


  1. fetch playlist json data.
node playlist.js project_key play_list_id > playlist.json
  1. download files by json data
node download.js ./playlist.json
  1. convert mp4 files to mp3 files (ffmpeg required)
for F in *.mp4; do ffmpeg -i "$F" -vn -acodec libmp3lame "${F%.mp4}.mp3"; done

How to download (for none developers)

  1. install nodejs from http://nodejs.org/

Why this tool?

I created this to download my youtube playlist: 初音系列-名曲影片收錄計劃 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLd9h8qIvou__eaEQ6XFHR6Z3DmDVfz_r_

The name of file will fit into my notes, and then I can play these mp3 files.