
Additional cryptographic functions for MySQL

Primary LanguagePerl

MySQL Crypt

A library of cryptographic functions not available by default in mysql.
This library includes functions to create an LM hash, DES hash (not the
triple DES which is included as a built-in function), salted unix md5
hash, MD4 hash, and a NT hash.

It's a useful library for when you are working in the database, otherwise
I would suggest that passwords be encrypted elsewhere and not transfered
over a network in plaintext.

Install by running 'make install', you may have to alter the Makefile
to provide mysql with the correct host, port, user, and password options.

These functions can be used anywhere mysql expects an expression to be:

	mysql> select unixmd5crypt('abc');
	| unixmd5crypt('abc')                |
	| $1$soMaLg4U$UyayHy/QbItux779ljKdI1 |
	1 row in set (0.00 sec)

	mysql> select lmcrypt('abc');
	| lmcrypt('abc')                   |
	| 8C6F5D02DEB21501AAD3B435B51404EE |
	1 row in set (0.06 sec)

	mysql> select md4('abc');
	| md4('abc')                       |
	| A448017AAF21D8525FC10AE87AA6729D |
	1 row in set (0.01 sec)

	mysql> select ntcrypt('abc');
	| ntcrypt('abc')                   |
	| E0FBA38268D0EC66EF1CB452D5885E53 |
	1 row in set (0.01 sec)