
Assignment 1 Project Summary Course Fullstack Application Development with Node.js + Express.js + React.js - 2020

Project author № Pseudonym Face-to-face/ online 1 Instructor face-to-face

Project name DRoutine

  1. Short project description (Business needs and system features) Nowadays there are plenty of products and cosmetics which are being used by many people on daily basis for different reasons in order to take care of their skin health. However, it’s really hard to pick the right products and end up with the proper routine so that all products work in conjunction to resolve the persons’ problems. DRoutine is an application which helps you pick the right products for your skin type, mix multiple products together for better and faster results and essentially build a skin care routine for you, personally.

DRoutine allows users to add information about their type of skin and their problems, if they have any. The application will then pick the right products for the user based on their skin type and user’s preferences on the products and will also make sure that the products can be used together in combination and if that’s not the case, it will make a specific schedule what product to apply when. Anonymous users would only be able to check out the products and a few example routines. The system will be developed as a Single Page Application (SPA) using React.js as front-end, and Node.js + express as backend technologies. Each view will have a distinct URL, and the routing between pages will be done client side using React Router. The backend will be implemented as a REST/JSON API using JSON data serialization.

• Anonymous User – can only view all products which might be included in the routine. • Registered User – can add their skin information, what they would like to achieve(heal acne, fight aging processes, etc) and optionally products they would like to try out, based on all of this, a personal skin care routine would be done • Support User – he is responsible for viewing customers’ requests and build personal skin care routines for each user • Administrator – can manage all products data (create, edit and delete products), add description of the products, register/delete support users

  1. Main Use Cases / Scenarios Use case name Brief Descriptions Actors Involved
  2. Browse products The User can browse the skin products(Home page) Registered User
  3. Register Anonymous User can register in the system by providing a valid e-mail address, first and last name, and choosing password. By default, all new registered users have User role.

Administrator can register Support users by entering Support User Data and choosing the Support User Role. Administrators are internally registered, no UI and API exposed for this. Anonymous User 3. Change User Data Registered User can view and edit their personal User Data as well as their skin type data and products they would like to use. Registered User 4. Change Products Data Administrator can view and edit Product Data – add, edit, delete skin products Administrator 5. Manage Users Administrator can browse and manage Support Users – delete them, register new ones, edit information about them. Administrator can create a new Support user using Register Support User. Administrator 6. Manage personal skin routines Support user can browse all skin routines, the ones he created and the ones created by all other support users. Support user can create new skin routines for different users, if a user request has come to his routines checklist. Support user can search through all requests for routines he has. Support User 7. Manage personal skin care routines status Administrator can browse all routines created by the support users and update their status – ready for use, still in progress, to be configured. Administrator 8. Add/Edit product Administrators are able to add, edit or delete skin products

Registered users are able to add products to their “want to try out” list or remove a product from there. .Administrator, Registered user 9. Add/Edit skin care routine Support user can create a skin care routine for a user, it can edit it or delete it. Support user 10. Add/Edit Skin progress User can add information about their skin type, they can update the information about their skin state or delete any invalid information Registered User 11. Complete skin care routine Any registered user who has been using a skin care routine can complete it once he decides to stop doing the routine.

If the user goes inactive, the Support user has the right to complete and archive the skin care routine after 1 year of inactivity. Registered user, Support User 12. Track user’s progress Support users can track the progress of a user if the user updates their information accordingly. Support user

  1. Main Views (SPA Frontend) View name Brief Descriptions URI

  2. Home Presents the introductory information for the purpose of the system. /

  3. Explore Presents all products currently being offered /explore

  4. Enroll for a schedule Presents all products from your lists and allows you to add more and make a request to enroll for a skin care routine /schedule-routine

  5. Check Active Routines and Track Results Allows the user to update their skin care routine progress, track results and complete routine /active-routines

  6. User Registration Presents a view allowing the Anonymous Users to register in the system. /register

  7. Login Presents a view allowing the users to login. /login

  8. User Data Presents ability to view and edit personal User Data. Allows users to add or edit information about their skin ad well. /personal

  9. Support User Routines Presents the routines of the current support user, how many are in progress, how many are done and how many new routine requests are present. /routines

  10. Products Dashboard Presents all current products available in the system and option to manage each of them. Administrator visible only. /products-dashboard

  11. Support Users Presents ability to manage the Support Users of the system. /support-users

  12. About Presents information about the DRoutine project and his owner. /about

  13. API Resources (Node.js Backend) View name Brief Descriptions URI

  14. Users GET User Data for all users. Available only for Administrators. /api/users

  15. User GET, PUT, DELETE User Data for User with specified userId, according to restrictions decribed in UCs. /api/users/{userId}

  16. Login POST User Credentials (e-mail address and password) and receive a valid Security Token to use in subsequent API requests. /api/login

  17. Logout POST a logout request for ending the active session, and invalidating the issued Security Token. /api/logout

  18. Products GET Skin Products, and POST new Skin Products (Id is auto-filled and modified entity is returned as result from POST request) /api/products

  19. Routines GET, PUT, DELETE Skin Routine for a user /api/users/{userId}/routines

  20. Support Users GET support users and POST new Support User (Id is auto-filled and modified entity is returned as result from POST request). Available only for Administrators. /api/support-users