
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Pokémon App

Welcome to the Pokémon App! This website is a fun and interactive application that utilizes the Pokémon API to provide information about different Pokémon species.


The Pokémon App is built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and it leverages the Pokémon API (https://pokeapi.co/) to fetch data about various Pokémon. The app allows users to search for Pokémon by name or ID, view their details, and explore their abilities, moves, and characteristics.


  • Search for Pokémon by name or ID
  • View detailed information about each Pokémon characteristics
  • Interactive elements, such as buttons and dropdowns, for user-friendly navigation
  • Integration with the Pokémon API to fetch real-time data
  • Easy-to-use interface for users of all ages


To use the Pokémon App, simply visit https://zoro-diablo.github.io/Pokemon-app/ in your web browser. Once on the website, you can search for Pokémon by entering their name or ID in the search bar. The app will display relevant results, and you can click on a Pokémon to view more information about it.


If you're interested in contributing to the Pokémon App or exploring its source code, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository: