Assembly Info Reader Task
A build task that reads the assembly attributes from the AssemblyInfo file and makes them available as build variables.
Path to AssemblyInfo.cs
**\AssemblyInfo.cs is the default value. This should find the AssemblyInfo file in the build sources directory. However, when building a multiple project solution one would want to enter the exact path.
Variables Prefix
The value entered here will be prefixed to each variable name generated. This can be useful when using this task multiple times during a build and pointing each task to different AssemblyInfo files.
Generated Variables
For each assembly attribute found in the AssemblyInfo file, a build variable will be created in the format of AssemblyInfo.PropertyName. (Example: $(AssemblyInfo.AssemblyVersion))
Version type properties found in the AssemblyInfo file will have additional variables made available in the format of AssemblyInfo.PropertyName.VersionSegmentName. (Example: $(AssemblyInfo.AssemblyVersion.Major)) When parsing the version variables, the generated variables are based on the following naming convention Major.Minor.Build.Release. (Note: The Build segment can also be referenced as Patch)
P.S. cloned into TFS2017