
Bootstrap 3 integration with Django.

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


CI Coverage Status Latest PyPI version

Bootstrap 3 for Django.


The goal of this project is to seamlessly blend Django and Bootstrap 3.


This project will receive updates for supported Python and Django versions. Otherwise, we will probably not accept any changes.


This package requires a combination of Python and Django that is currently supported.

See "Supported Versions" on https://www.djangoproject.com/download/.


The full documentation is at https://django-bootstrap3.readthedocs.io/


  1. Install using pip:

    pip install django-bootstrap3

    Alternatively, you can install download or clone this repo and call pip install -e ..

  2. Add to INSTALLED_APPS in your settings.py:

        # ...
        # ...
  3. In your templates, load the bootstrap3 library and use the bootstrap_* tags:

Example template

{% load bootstrap3 %}

{# Display a form #}

<form action="/url/to/submit/" method="post" class="form">
    {% csrf_token %}
    {% bootstrap_form form %}
    {% buttons %}
        <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Submit</button>
    {% endbuttons %}

Example app

An example app is provided in example. You can run it with make example.

Bugs and suggestions

If you have found a bug or if you have a request for additional functionality, please use the issue tracker on GitHub.



You can use this under BSD-3-Clause. See LICENSE file for details.


Developed and maintained by Zostera.

Original author: Dylan Verheul.

Thanks to everybody that has contributed pull requests, ideas, issues, comments and kind words.

Please see AUTHORS for a list of contributors.