
Rapidly get callers/callees/defs and search for terms source code projects

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript


A very simple platform for searching calls/callers (and terms) in code projects


  • Searches for callers/callees and patterns
  • Fast enough to use for incremental completion
  • Simple to use (command line tool)
  • Simple design (only two source files: a shell script and a CoffeeScript program)
  • Supports JavaScript and CoffeeScript
  • Easy to extend for additional languages
  • Zero admin (command line option to monitor project changes means no service needed)
  • Small number of dependencies (POSIX/cygwin, node.js, and several node.js projects)


sourcecodex [ -h | -i PATTERN | -s PATTERN | -p PATTERN | -l LIM OFF | -t PATTERN | -v | -q | -n | -d | -r | -u | -m | -c | -j | --callers F | --calls F | --defs ] [DIR]
DIR is the directory containing the files to index.
If DIR is given, a new ".sourcecodex" database is created
in DIR if it does not exist
  -h            Print this message
  -i PATTERN    Ignore files matching pattern
  -s PATTERN    Search for token pattern in files and return matched lines in grep format
  -p PATTERN    Search for prefix token pattern in files and return matched lines in grep format
  -l LIM OFF    Limit the number of search results to LIM and discard the first OFF
  -t PATTERN    Find all tokens matching pattern
  -v            Inccrease verbosity
  -q            Turn off progress notifications
  -n            Notify of changes (implies -q): 'DELETE'|'CREATE'|'MODIFY' FILE
  -d            Delete the .sourcecodex database
  -r            Delete and rebuild database
  -u            Update and then exit
  -m            Update and continue monitoring for changes
  -c            Index CoffeeScript callers and callees
  -j            Index JavaScript callers and callees
  --callers F   List call sites of F: FILE:LINE:COL:FUNC:CONTENTS
  --calls F     List F's call sites: FILE:LINE:COL:FUNC:CONTENTS
  --defs        List defs: FILE:LINE:COL:FUNC:CONTENTS


  • built on SQLite
    • allows background updating
    • other programs can access/change the database
  • extensible
    • update/monitor command can output events like inotifywatch (CREATE/MODIFY/DELETE file)
    • other programs can query/change the database


There are 5 main tables: files, lines, lines_terms, defs, and calls.

create table files (path primary key, stamp);
create virtual table lines using fts4 (path, line_number, line);
create virtual table lines_terms using fts4aux(lines);
create table defs(file, code, line_number, col);
create table calls(file, code, call, line_number, col);

Files tracks the indexed files.

Lines stores all of the lines of the tracked files and maintains a full-text index.

Lines_terms lets you access the internals of the index like the terms (tokens).

Defs tracks the definitions in the files.

Calls tracks the calls to the definitions in the files.


  • index referenced variables
    • add column to defs and calls to specify type of def or call (func or var)
  • support full regexp search
    • maybe just narrow down the lines with a pattern and then pump them through grep
    • maybe based on Russ Cox’s work
  • remove POSIX deps (add bat file for search command)
