
Move "pages" to "numPages" in Report

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Since reports are generally not a part of something, but rather a complete publication, the current "pages" field should be replaced with a "numPages" field, preserving the existing content.

See http://forums.zotero.org/discussion/15636/3/changes-to-fields-and-item-types-for-zotero-22/

My guess is that the original choice of "pages" instead of "numPages" was just an oversight.

You're sure there aren't any reports that are published in a serial format, which would require the "pages" field?

Reports that are published in a serial format with multiple reports per issuance of the serial, and hence pagination within the issue? There are plenty of reports that are members of series, but I don't know of them ever being publications within a larger unit with its own pagination. That sounds more like a journal article...

See here for an example of a report published in a series. Such cases are still almost always paginated by issue, so "numPages" is more appropriate.

A bigger issue is that sometimes "Report" might be used to cite an authored chapter within a larger edited report. So, if there is a container-title, pages would be needed to indicate the page range within the larger report. This would probably be best handled with a new "Report Section" type in Zotero, mapped to CSL report and including "Report title" (container-title) fields.