
course progress for stephen grider's udemy react-redux course

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Modern React with Redux Udemy course

Course material from Stephen Grider's react-redux udemy course.

Apps Summary

  • jsx: An introduction to jsx syntax.
  • components: An introduction to functional components and props.
  • seasons: An introduction to class based components, state and lifecycle.

    Points of interest:

    • Geolocation.getCurrentPosition() method to get the current position of the device.
    • using semantic-ui for styling.
  • pics: An introduction to React event handling and Refs.

    Points of interest:

  • videos: Similar to pics application using youtube API.
  • songs: An introduction to redux and react-redux.
  • blog: Advanced react and redux implementation using redux-thunk middleware.

    Points of interest:

  • streams: CRUD operations in React and Redux.

    Points of interest:

    • Navigation using react-router-dom.
    • Custom history object for React Router, in order to make history accessible to the entire application. Mostly implemented for programmatic navigation inside Action Creators.
    • Modal window implementation using React Portals.
    • React Fragment element.
    • Managing forms using redux-form.
    • Authentication using Google API OAuth2.
    • Fake Restful API using json-server.
    • RTMP Media Server using node-media-server.
  • translate: Bubbling down props using React Context.

    Points of interest:

    • Creating a Redux-like store using Context.Provider.
  • hooks-simple: An introduction to React Hooks.

    Points of interest:

    • Handling state in functional components using the useState hook.
    • Lifecycle for functional components using the useEffect hook.
    • Reusable Network Requests component using hooks and axios.
  • hooks-seasons: Refactor seasons application for hooks.