
An automated, distributed, and scalable Kubernetes cluster builder.

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


The goal of this project is to build an automated distributed, scalable kubernetes cluster to deploy projects on it. A multi-node and multi-machine Cluster.

This project contains a Vagrantfile and associated Ansible playbook scripts to provisioning Kubernetes' cluster using VirtualBox as provider.

Different Vms are created, provisionned with a specific Os system.

Ansible is used as provision system, to auto-configure the Vms as master or worker.

Ansible is only Linux compatible, that's why, the ansible was installed into the different Vms. And executed into it to install the required tools, and run the approprite script.


You need the following installed to use this playground.

  • Vagrant, version 1.9.3 or better. Earlier versions of vagrant do not work with the Vagrant Ubuntu 16.04 box and network configuration.
  • VirtualBox, tested with Version 5.1.18 r114002
  • Internet access, this playground pulls Vagrant boxes from the Internet as well as installs Ubuntu application packages from the Internet.

Bringing Up The cluster

To bring up the cluster, clone this repository to a working directory.

git https://github.com/zouariste/Cross-plateform-Kubernetes-Cluster-Installer.git

Change into the working directory and vagrant up

cd Cross-plateform-Kubernetes-Cluster-Installer

vagrant up

Vagrant will start three machines. Each machine will have a NAT-ed network interface, through which it can access the Internet, and a private-network interface in the subnet The private network is used for intra-cluster communication.

The machines created are:

Server-1-MASTER Cluster Master
Server-1-WORKER-1 Cluster Worker
Server-1-WORKER-2 Cluster Worker

As the cluster brought up the cluster master (master) will perform a kubeadm init and the cluster workers will perform a kubeadmin join. This cluster is using a static Kubernetes cluster token.

To check the node created ssh to the master node and:

vagrant@Server-1-MASTER:~$ kubectl get nodes

NAME                STATUS   ROLES    AGE   VERSION
master              Ready    master   53m   v1.18.2
server-1-worker-1   Ready    <none>   49m   v1.18.2