⚠️ The repository is not working anymore since Twitter/X changed its API.

NLProc Twitter

A bunch of small scripts to:

  • Find authors on Twitter which you cite in your work.
  • Find people on Twitter which tweet about things that you're interested in.
  • Unfollow inactive people.



  1. Follow @zouharvi on Twitter.
  2. Install pip3 install -r requirement.txt
  3. Fill src/keys_mock.py with your credentials and rename it to src/keys.py .

Usage (Find cited authors)

Run src/find_cited_authors.py -b path_to_bibfile.bib to get a list of links to cited authors which you do not yet follow. This works also with src/find_authors.py -a arxiv_link and src/find_authors.py -s semanticscholar_link .

Usage (Find people)

Run src/find_people.py -q "NLProc" to find people who have NLProc in their bio. The program will automatically open the Twitter profile page1 of the first 10 hits and then asks you again if you'd like to continue.2

  • 1 I'm using Firefox in Flatpak. You may need to change the call (in src/main.py) to fit your setup.
  • 2 The way I use it is to further check whether I want to follow someone in the browser and then go back to the script for another batch of 10 profiles.


  • Why are Twitter credentials necessary? To access the API and also filter out profiles which you already follow.
  • How do you get Twitter credentials? This requires some reading.


  • RQ1: What is the proportion of paper authors which are cited?
    • What is the number of distinct self-citations?
  • RQ2: Which author cites themselves the most?
    • Is self-citation dependent on author popularity?
  • RQ3: What are the properties of self-cited papers?