
Zero-data blackbox machine translation model distillation / stealing

Primary LanguagePython

Machine Translation Vocabulary Stealing

Code accompanying the report Stolen Subwords: Importance of Vocabularies for Machine Translation Model Stealing.

Abstract: In learning-based functionality stealing, the attacker is trying to build a local model based on the victim's outputs. The attacker has to make choices regarding the local model's architecture, optimization method and, specifically for NLP models, subword vocabulary, such as BPE. On the machine translation task, we explore (1) whether the choice of the vocabulary plays a role in model stealing scenarios and (2) if it is possible to extract the victim's vocabulary. We find that the vocabulary itself does not have a large effect on the local model's performance. Given gray-box model access, it is possible to collect the victim's vocabulary by collecting the outputs (detokenized subwords on the output). The results of the minimum effect of vocabulary choice are important more broadly for black-box knowledge distillation.