
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This is a replication project for the paper, "Contrastive Learning of Medical Visual Representations from Paired Images and Text" by Zhang, et al., 2020.



Set up conda environment

Run the following after installing conda, replacing PREFERRED_LOCATION with where you want to install python packages:

conda env create --file environment.yml --prefix <PREFERRED_LOCATION>

Activate your conda environment by running:

conda activate convirt


Download MIMIC CXR JPG 2.0

Download the image files: https://physionet.org/content/mimic-cxr-jpg/2.0.0/.

Save or symlink to dataset/mimic-cxr-jpg-2.0.0 so you will have:


Download MIMIC CXR Data


Download ClinicalBERT


Download RSNA


Extract into dataset/rsna-pneumonia-detection-challenge.

Download COVIDx


Extract into dataset/covidx.



At the root directory where pom.xml is, execute:

mvn compile exec:java

Convert or Resize Images

From src/main/python/preprocess run:

python mimic.py

python rsna.py

python covidx.py

This should save the resized images into:

  • MIMIC: dataset/mimic-cxr-jpg-2.0.0-resized
  • RSNA: dataset/rsna-pneumonia-detection-challenge-jpg/stage_2_train_images
  • COVIDx: dataset/covidx-jpg/train and dataset/covidx-jpg/test


ConVIRT Contrastive Training

From src/main/python run:

python train.py -train 218000 -val 5000 -b 32 -stop 10 -f "convirt-best-{epoch:03d}-{val_auc:.4f}" convirt

Here is an explanation of the arguments:

  • -train 218000, -val 5000 limits the total number of training images to 218k, and validation images to 5k
  • -b 32 sets the batch size to 32
  • -stop 10 number of epochs for early stopping based on validation loss
  • -f "convirt-best-{epoch:03d}-{val_auc:.4f}" specifies the checkpoint file naming scheme
  • convirt means that we are doing convirt training

To load from a previous checkpoint and optionally specify a different learning rate, run:

python train.py -train 218000 -val 5000 -b 32 -stop 10 -f "convirt-best-{epoch:03d}-{val_auc:.4f}" --load-checkpoint "<CHECKPOINT_PATH>" -lr 2e-5 convirt
  • --load-checkpoint "<CHECKPOINT_PATH>" points at the checkpoint file to be loaded
  • -lr 2e-5 specifies the learning rate to use

ImageNet Training

To train ImageNet-based models for RSNA and COVIDx, run the corresponding commands below.


To train on a FRACTION portion of the RSNA dataset, run:

python train.py -fc 1024 -p 0.4 -lrp 4 -log 50 -stop 10 -train <FRACTION> -lr 2e-3 -f "<CHECKPOINT_SAVE_PATH>" rsna
  • -p 0.4 this specifies the dropout rate
  • -lrp 4 sets the learning rate scheduling check to every four epochs
  • -log 50 log results every 50 batches
  • -fc 1024 specifies that the linear layer should have size 1024
  • rsna means we are running training on RSNA

For example, to train on 10% of the data:

python train.py -fc 1024 -p 0.4 -lrp 4 -log 50 -stop 10 -train 0.1  -lr 2e-3 -f "rsna-best-10pct" rsna

Leave out the -train <FRACTION> argument to train on 100% of the data.


Training on COVIDx is similar. For example, to train on 10% of the data:

python train.py -log 50 -stop 10 -fc 1024 -train 0.1 -f "covidx-best-10pct" covidx

CXR Contrastive Training

After the ConVIRT contrastive model has been trained, we can load the best checkpoint for use in downstream CXR classification tasks.

You can use the -train <FRACTION> argument to train on only a FRACTION portion of these datasets.


Load the best ConVIRT checkpoint and train on 100% of RSNA using this command:

python train.py -log 50 -stop 10 -fc 2048 --train-target convirt --convirt-checkpoint-path "<CONVIRT_BEST_CHECKPOINT_PATH>" -f "rsna-best-100pct-convirt" rsna


The command is similar to that of RSNA, e.g., to train on 10% of COVIDx:

python train.py -log 50 -stop 10 -fc 2048 -train 0.1 --train-target convirt --convirt-checkpoint-path "<CONVIRT_BEST_CHECKPOINT_PATH>" -f "covidx-best-10pct-convirt" covidx