Chinese Text Correction Papers

This repo aims to keep tracking related work in Chinese text correction, including Chinese Spell Checking (CSC) and Chinese Grammatical Error Correction (CGEC). Welcome to contribute!


paper conference resource citation labels
Disentangled Phonetic Representation for Chinese Spelling Correction ACL2023 [pdf] [code] citation
Rethinking Masked Language Modeling for Chinese Spelling Correction ACL2023 [pdf] [code] citation
PTCSpell: Pre-trained Corrector Based on Character Shape and Pinyin for Chinese Spelling Correction ACL2023 [pdf] citation
Investigating Glyph-Phonetic Information for Chinese Spell Checking: What Works and What’s Next? ACL2023 [pdf] [code] -
Are Pre-trained Language Models Useful for Model Ensemble in Chinese Grammatical Error Correction? ACL2023 [pdf] [code] -
NaSGEC: a Multi-Domain Chinese Grammatical Error Correction Dataset from Native Speaker Texts ACL2023 [pdf] [code] citation


paper conference resource citation labels
Linguistic Rules-Based Corpus Generation for Native Chinese Grammatical Error Correction EMNLP2022 [pdf][code] citation
FCGEC: Fine-Grained Corpus for Chinese Grammatical Error Correction EMNLP2022 [pdf][code] citation
SynGEC: Syntax-Enhanced Grammatical Error Correction with a Tailored GEC-Oriented Parser EMNLP2022 [pdf][code] citation
Revisiting Grammatical Error Correction Evaluation and Beyond EMNLP2022 [pdf][code] citation
From Spelling to Grammar: A New Framework for Chinese Grammatical Error Correction EMNLP2022 [pdf] citation
Improving Chinese Spelling Check by Character Pronunciation Prediction: The Effects of Adaptivity and Granularity EMNLP2022 [pdf][code] citation
Sequence-to-Action: Grammatical Error Correction with Action Guided Sequence Generation AAAI2022 [pdf] citation
Non-Autoregressive Chinese ASR Error Correction with Phonological Training NAACL2022 [pdf] citation
MuCGEC: a Multi-Reference Multi-Source Evaluation Dataset for Chinese Grammatical Error Correction NAACL2022 [pdf] [code] citation
Improving Chinese Grammatical Error Detection via Data augmentation by Conditional Error Generation ACL2022 [pdf] citation
CRASpell: A Contextual Typo Robust Approach to Improve Chinese Spelling Correction ACL2022 [pdf] [code] citation
MDCSpell: A Multi-task Detector-Corrector Framework for Chinese Spelling Correction ACL2022 [pdf] citation
The Past Mistake is the Future Wisdom: Error-driven Contrastive Probability Optimization for Chinese Spell Checking ACL2022 [pdf] citation


paper conference resource citation labels
Correcting Chinese Spelling Errors with Phonetic Pre-training ACL2021 [pdf] [code] citation
Read, Listen, and See: Leveraging Multimodal Information Helps Chinese Spell Checking ACL2021 [pdf] [code] citation
PLOME: Pre-training with Misspelled Knowledge for Chinese Spelling Correction ACL2021 [pdf] [code] citation
Exploration and Exploitation: Two Ways to Improve Chinese Spelling Correction Models ACL2021 [pdf] [code] citation
PHMOSpell: Phonological and Morphological Knowledge Guided Chinese Spelling Check ACL2021 [pdf] citation
Global Attention Decoder for Chinese Spelling Error Correction ACL2021 [pdf] citation
Dynamic Connected Networks for Chinese Spelling Check ACL2021 [pdf] citation
Tail-to-Tail Non-Autoregressive Sequence Prediction for Chinese Grammatical Error Correction ACL2021 [pdf] [code] citation
SpellBERT: A Lightweight Pretrained Model for Chinese Spelling Check EMNLP2021 [pdf] [code] citation
DCSpell: A Detector-Corrector Framework for Chinese Spelling Error Correction SIGIR2021 [pdf] citation
Think Twice: A Post-Processing Approach for the Chinese Spelling Error Correction AppliedScience [pdf] citation


paper conference resource citation labels
Spelling Error Correction with Soft-Masked BERT ACL2020 [pdf] citation
Spellgcn: Incorporating phonological and visual similarities into language models for chinese spelling check ACL2020 [pdf] [code] citation
Chunk-based Chinese Spelling Check with Global Optimization EMNLP2020 [pdf] citation
MaskGEC: Improving Neural Grammatical Error Correction via Dynamic Masking AAAL2020 [pdf] citation
Combining ResNet and Transformer for Chinese Grammatical Error Diagnosis AACL2020 [pdf] citation
Overview of NLPTEA-2020 Shared Task for Chinese Grammatical Error Diagnosis AACL2020 [pdf] citation


paper conference resource citation labels
FASPell: A Fast, Adaptable, Simple, Powerful Chinese Spell Checker Based On DAE-Decoder Paradigm EMNLP2019 [pdf] [code] citation
A Hybrid Approach to Automatic Corpus Generation for Chinese Spelling Checking EMNLP2018 [pdf] [code] citation