A concise, pythonic wrapper around the Raspberry Pi’s RPi.GPIO library. An encrusting, if you will.
With (almost silent) fallback to mock objects, you can prototype pin I/O locally on your favorite computer, even when your Pi is on the other side of town (see Mock API for more details).
gpiocrust is fully compatible with Python 2 and Python 3.
Download from PyPI with easy_install
or pip
pip install gpiocrust
In a .py file, import the library and start setting pin values. It's easy! Here's a bare-bones example that will turn on GPIO pin 15:
from gpiocrust import Header, OutputPin
with Header() as header:
pin = OutputPin(15, value=0)
pin.value = 1
gpiocrust provides four classes to help give GPIO pin manipulation a more object-oriented feel. They are:
The Header
class just wraps the GPIO setup and teardown methods. Most importantly, it ensures that GPIO.cleanup()
is called. For example:
from gpiocrust import Header
with Header() as header:
# Application logic goes here
# All cleaned up now.
The OutputPin
class controls a single GPIO pin for output. Set its value to True
) or False
). That’s all there is to it!
from gpiocrust import Header, OutputPin
with Header() as header:
shiny_led = OutputPin(11)
shiny_led.value = True
defaults to False
, but can be set with a keyword argument.
shiny_led = OutputPin(11, value=True)
The PWMOutputPin
class controls a single GPIO pin for output, but allows for variable value
s via software pulse width modulation.
from gpiocrust import Header, PWMOutputPin
with Header() as header:
soft_led = PWMOutputPin(11)
soft_led.value = 0.25
You can set the frequency (Hz) via the frequency
property. For example:
from gpiocrust import Header, PWMOutputPin
with Header() as header:
soft_led = PWMOutputPin(11, frequency=100)
soft_led.frequency = 50
NOTE: the RPi.GPIO implementation uses duty cycle values from 0
to 100
. To be consistent with OutputPin
, PWMOutputPin
uses decimal values 0.0
to 1.0
For a good overview of how to use the RPi.GPIO implementation, see this video.
The InputPin
class controls a single GPIO pin for input. You can watch for edge events using a callback
argument or via the @change
decorator. For now, InputPin
only supports watching GPIO.BOTH
(rising and falling) events.
from gpiocrust import Header, InputPin
def alert_president(value):
with Header() as header:
the_red_button = InputPin(11, callback=alert_president)
It’s even cleaner with the @change
from gpiocrust import Header, InputPin
with Header() as header:
the_red_button = InputPin(11, value=0)
def alert_president(value):
Mock classes are included that mimic the native GPIO functionality. The library falls back to mock objects when the RPi.GPIO
package cannot be loaded. This allows one to code the general I/O flow of an application in development environments where running code on a physical Raspberry Pi is inconvenient or impossible (i.e, the computer you're reading this on).
Fallback is automatic, so your import statements will look just as before.
import time
from gpiocrust import Header, OutputPin, PWMOutputPin
with Header() as header:
pin11 = OutputPin(11)
pin15 = PWMOutputPin(15, frequency=100, value=0)
while 1:
# Going up
pin11.value = True
for i in range(100):
pin15.value = i / 100.0
# Going down
pin11.value = False
for i in range(100):
pin15.value = (100 - i) / 100.0
except KeyboardInterrupt: