
Ignorant implementation of an image thumbnailing web server


A bare-bones, ignorant implementation of a thumbnailing web service.

How to "install"

To install, simply clone this repository, add some images to the public directory and run main.py. Can't be bothered with parsing the previous sentence? Well, here ya go:

git clone https://github.com/zourtney/thumber.git
cd thumber

curl -L -o public/jefferson.png http://goo.gl/XCgTyY
mkdir public/hike; curl -L -o public/hike/lookout.png http://goo.gl/Gs4IoY

python main.py


You will need the following libraries, all of which can be installed via pip or easy_install.

How to use

Images in the public directory are accessed via http://localhost:5000/[size]/[path]. Where:

  • [size] is the longest side of target image's resolution.
  • [path] is the filename of the image to view. Subdirectories are fine.

Any non-numeric [size] value falls back to showing the full-size image


  • http://localhost:5000/1024/jefferson.png
  • http://localhost:5000/full/hike/lookout.png

All downsized images are saved to the cache directory. A periodic task removes images that have not been accessed for a while. These images (and related directories) are automatically destroyed upon exit.

Speaking of exiting this application...to do so, just enlist your old pal ctrl+c.


0.1 (as in pre-alpha)