- 0
[Feature Request] VcCollectionPoint renders large amounts of point data (up to a million)
#633 opened by Xie-Jun-Hao - 0
[Bug Report] vc-measurements : label props reset to defaults after removing point
#632 opened by PetukhovArt - 2
[Bug Report] 在多个页面使用vue-cesium组件,然后快速切换各个页面会报错
#601 opened by netuoin - 1
[Feature Request] 我想在项目单独使用量算组件,之前的结构不好改了,可以单独使用吗?
#585 opened by xiaobaiQJ - 3
[Feature Request] 请问支持uniapp的移动端吗?
#578 opened by mimimiaomiao1 - 1
- 1
vc-drawings 绘制图标点 编辑bug
#600 opened by zouyaoji - 0
使用 VcOverlayHtml 会在 body里面插入几个空标签
#612 opened by zouyaoji - 0
[Bug Report] CesiumJS 1.121 Breaking Changes
#598 opened by hellorayza - 1
viewshed DrawingAction offsetHeight not working ?
#610 opened by zouyaoji - 4
[Bug Report] 2d,测量工具不显示距离和面积
#437 opened by weizheng1992 - 1
vue3+viet5 引入运行项目 特别的卡 电脑会卡崩溃
#587 opened by IKE1001 - 2
[Bug Report] vc-imagery-provider-baidu 显示百度地图有一点错位
#577 opened by evanzeng - 1
[Bug Report] 动态加载VcCollectionBillboard,多个VcCollectionBillboard时候,导致第二个图层以后的图片出现缩放重影
#557 opened by flywin8 - 2
[Bug Report] 加载出来的地球放大很糊
#554 opened by bigbignono - 2
[Bug Report] 量算组件放在pop层中行为异常
#549 opened by MangMax - 2
[Bug Report] 量算组件放在pop层中行为异常
#548 opened by MangMax - 4
[Bug Report] VcPrimitiveCluster中label显示时机异常
#541 opened by MangMax - 1
[Bug Report] 实体VcEntity如何去处默认的绿色框框
#536 opened by Zhang-DaLei - 1
#535 opened by MickeyMouse623 - 2
- 5
[Bug Report] 百度地图如何调整清晰度和图层
#491 opened by weizheng1992 - 1
[Feature Request] 自带的地图如何调整清晰度呢
#503 opened by XAllure - 2
[Bug Report] VcMeasurements组件areaMeasurementOpts的参数同时配置showAngleLabel和showDistanceLabel为false报错
#518 opened by terry-wn - 1
pnpm i安装卡在electron
#513 opened by lienahu9 - 1
[Bug Report] Blue globe. We use vue-cesium 2.4.2, nuxt 2.17.2, and cesium path is set to ``
#512 opened by jdromero88 - 5
[Bug Report] 使用天地图时设置minimumLevel属性导致页面黑屏卡死
#510 opened by li-zheng-hao - 2
Import `VcViewer` cannot be resolved
#506 opened by pilcstp - 2
Allow `stackblitz` as option to reproduce issue
#505 opened by pilcstp - 1
[Feature Request] How to edit vc-drawing (manually add/edit/remove nodes) => save drawing/export/load
#499 opened by romain974 - 4
- 1
#488 opened by zouyaoji - 7
[Bug Report] 设置默认imageryProvider提示 Cesium
#483 opened by weizheng1992 - 5
[Bug Report] 2d 测量还是不行
#482 opened by weizheng1992 - 5
[Bug Report] 百度地图加载数据404
#476 opened by weizheng1992 - 1
这种方案在本地调试可以, 线上发布的时候,依赖包怎么改?
#465 opened by HU-Wenxing-ZuiShuai - 1
- 4
- 3
[Bug Report] 在北极画热力图的时候,出现了空洞
#434 opened by sakura41 - 5
[Bug Report] VcDrawings在超图cesium显示异常
#438 opened by kireiyume - 1
[Bug Report] 官网案例加载不出来了,控制台有报错
#444 opened by anihCevol - 1
- 5
[Bug Report] 希望在“墙”上增加上下流动的光效或者流动效果
#423 opened by king2088 - 0
#429 opened by zouyaoji - 4
[Bug Report] 聚类图元鼠标事件无效
#405 opened by MangMax - 3
- 3
- 3
[Bug Report] primitive重叠时,mouseover和mouseout事件不触发
#407 opened by MangMax - 2
[Feature Request] 如何绘制扇形?
#396 opened by Chyting - 3
#395 opened by 95mff