
Primary LanguagePython


Toolbox is a set of how-tos, scripts and parses for internal usage. Currently toolbox is divided in six main folders.

Analysis and Parser

The Analysis folder includes scripts for specific tasks like annotations, simulations or similar. The Parser folder is similar but orders the scripts accroding to file formats and tools, for example it includes different FASTA parsing and modifying tools.

Pipelines and Projects

The Pipelines folders includes scripts or how-tos for specific analysis, for example the analysis of 'methylome reads'. The Projects folder also contains scripts and how-tos, however more specific and potentially only geared for one purpose.


The Resources includes small pieces of handy information that can be useful in genome analysis. For example it contains different annotations of the centromeres in the A. thaliana reference sequence.


Includes helpful scripts (for examples for setting up new scripts) that do not fit anywhere else.