
Deep learning modules in matlab.

Primary LanguageMATLAB

Deep learning in MATLAB

IMPORTANT NOTE: R2019b has been released recently and there are massive updates within Deep learning toolbox™. For example, the multiple inputs Layer and automatic differentiation have been included.
Please check out for more detailed information in release note. This repo might be obsolete.

It's more convenient for me to debug deep learning networks in MATLAB compared with the ones written in Python, such as Tensorflow, Keras or PyTorch. Here we test some functionalitiies related to deep learning develped in MATLAB, i.e., deep learning toolbox.


Matlab release: R2019a

The deep learning toolbox is introduced since R2016a. However, it's better to use the version greater than R2018b due to quite a lot updates on the toolbox.


A simple neural network is built for a classification task. The data set is generated randomly with two-feature entries, each feature ranges from 0 to 1. If the average of these two features is lower than 0.5, then the corresponding label is true and false otherwise. We build a network with two fully connected hidden layer (i.e., Dense layer in Keras).

% create serveral dense (fullyConnectedLayer) layers
fc1 = fullyConnectedLayer(64);
fc2 = fullyConnectedLayer(64);
fc3 = fullyConnectedLayer(2);

% construct the network by stacking layers
layers = [
    imageInputLayer([2, 1, 1])

% set rand seed for reproduction
% generate training data set, which has two features, if the average of
% these two features is lower than 0.5, the the label is set as true,
% otherwise set as false
X = rand(2, 1, 1, 10000);
Y = mean(reshape(X, 2, 10000), 1) < 0.5;
Y = reshape(Y, 1, numel(Y));
Y = categorical(Y, [false, true], {'false', 'true'});

% set training options
opts = trainingOptions('sgdm', ...
    'InitialLearnRate', 0.001, ...
    'LearnRateSchedule', 'piecewise', ...
    'LearnRateDropFactor', 0.1, ...
    'LearnRateDropPeriod', 8, ...
    'L2Regularization', 0.004, ...
    'MaxEpochs', 10, ...
    'MiniBatchSize', 100, ...
    'Verbose', true, ...

% train the network
net = trainNetwork(X, Y, layers, opts);


EG01_classification: We build a simple neural network (SeriesNetwork) with two hidden layers for a classification task.

EG02_regression: We build a neural network (SeriesNetwork) with two hidden layers for a regression task.

EG03_layerGraph: We build a DAGNetwork using layerGraph for a classification task.

EG04_sigmoidActivation: We develop a sigmoid activation layer in this example.

EG05_softmaxActivation: We develop a softmax activation layer for a regression task. (The built-in softmaxLayer in the toolbox is designated to the classification layer for now [R2019a].)

EG06_multipleInputs: We develop an input layer with multiple inputs support.


The input data is randomly generated with two-feature entries. Each entry's output is labelled according to the criterion mean(x)<0.5, i.e., if the average of the two features is less than 0.5, the output is marked as true and false otherwise.

Size/Type Value
Input 1x1x2 double Each feature ranges in [0,1]
Output categorical true or false

The input data is the same with the one in classification dataset. The output has three dimensions and each one maps the input to a scalar via a function defined as follows:

Size/Type Value
Input 1x1x2 double Each feature ranges in [0,1]
x1 double Input(1)
x1 double Input(2)
y1 double x1 + x2 - 1
y2 double 2*x1*x2 - 1
y3 double x1^2 + x2^2 - 1
Output 1x3 double [y1, y2, y3]

Build a neural network

We present a comparison between Keras and Matlab on the process of building a neural network.

1. Stack layers one by one. The loss function is binded with the output layer. Stack layers one by one
2. Set training options, including optimizer, learning rate and etc. Compile the model with optimizer, loss function
3. Train the network via trainiNetwork Train the network via fit function.

Basically, the processes of building a network via MATLAB and Keras are similar. It's worth to note three differences:

  1. The loss function is binded with the output layer in MATLAB.
  2. The settings of the training process are specificied via a trainingOptions object in MATLAB.
  3. The model compile process is integrated with trainNetwork in MATLAB.

Pros and Cons


  1. It's convenient to debug the neural network via its powerful built-in plot functions. We can turn on the training plot to moniter the training process via setting Plots as training-progress in trainingOptions.
  2. The activations method of the network object can perform forward operation to any layer of the network. It's useful to debug and adjust network structure if it's necessary.


  1. There is no multiple inputs layer supported for now (R2019a). (There is a workaround.)
  2. The training is not as fast as Python.
  3. The layers in MATLAB is not fruitful compared with the framework written in Python. (It provides a tutorial on implementation of self-defined layers.)


Comparision between Keras and Matlab Deep Learning Toolbox

Layer Dense fullyConnectedLayer
Input imageInputLayer
Flatten flattenLayer
Concatenate concatenationLayer
BatchNormalization batchNormalizationLayer
Dropout dropoutLayer
Activation Activation('relu') reluLayer
Activation('tanh') tanhLayer
Activation('linear') nothing after the previous layer
Activation('softmax') softmaxLayer
Loss mse regressionLayer 1
mae maeRegressionLayer (not officailly included yet)
categorical_crossentropy classificationLayer 2
Optimizer SGD sgdm
RMSprop rmsprop
Adam adam
Method fit trainNetwork
predict predict / classify
  1. Note that, the loss function is binded with the output layer in MATLAB®.
  2. A classification layer must be preceded by a softmax layer.


  1. Mathworks, Deep Learning Toolbox
  2. Mahmoud Afifi, how to use multiple input layers in DAG net as shown in the figure
  3. Mathworks, Define Custom Deep Learning Layer with Learnable Parameters