

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT



blecomm-api.jar 可实现与模拟蓝牙设备实现基本的收发通讯的基本方法,本样例就是一种基于api的实现方法.



  • android 最低支持的版本:
    Android 5.1 (LOLLIPOP_MR1 API22)
  • ble peripheral 支持 目前同时用到ble的Central角色和peripheral角色,所以在android版本满足的前提下,还需要检测手机是否支持peripheral角色,参考如下: MainActivity.java
     private void ensureBleFeaturesAvailable() {
        BluetoothManager mBluetoothManager = (BluetoothManager) getSystemService(Context.BLUETOOTH_SERVICE);
        BluetoothAdapter mBluetoothAdapter = mBluetoothManager.getAdapter();
        if (mBluetoothAdapter == null) {
            Toast.makeText(this, "Bluetooth not supported", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
            Log.e(TAG, "Bluetooth not supported");
            Log.i(TAG, "Bluetooth supported");
        BluetoothLeAdvertiser mBluetoothLeAdvertiser = mBluetoothAdapter.getBluetoothLeAdvertiser();
        if(mBluetoothLeAdvertiser == null){
            Toast.makeText(this, "the device not support peripheral", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
            Log.e(TAG, "the device not support peripheral");
        } else{
            Log.i(TAG, "the device support peripheral");


  • bleStartAdvertisementSimulate
  • bleStopAdvertisement
  • bleStartConnect
  • bleDisConnect wear
  • bleSendMessage
  • onReceive
  • onStartSuccess
  • onStartFailure


  • onSendSta

Project Organization


  1. 在bulid.gradle中加入blecomm-api.jar的依赖
  2. 需要在manifest中加入蓝牙相关权限
  3. 需要在manifest中注册com.wearlink.blecomm.BleService服务
  4. 在activity用如下方法开启服务:
  5. 开启服务同时,用如下方法设置以实现的接口onServiceProgressListener: bleService.setOnBleCommProgressListener(onServiceProgressListener);
  6. 在此接口的onServiceOpen方法中通过如下方法获取主要方法接口: bleService.getBleCommMethod();



 * ble communication method

public interface BleCommMethod {
     * ble communication session open
     * @param device_name : device name
    void bleOpen(String device_name);
     * ble communication session restart
     * @param device_name : device name
    void bleRestart(String device_name);
     * ble communication session close
    void bleClose();
     * get now ble communication operator
     * @return byte : operation mode
    byte bleGetOperator();
     * ble advertisement start by special device name
     * only simulate method because ble communication session
     * support device need equal  LE General Discoverable Mode and
     * BR/EDR Not Supported.
     * @param device_name : device name
    void bleStartAdvertisementSimulate(String device_name);
     * ble advertisement stop
    void bleStopAdvertisement();
     * ble communication connect requirement
     * @param device_addr : device mac address
     * @param conn_pass : ble communication pass word
     * @param time_out :  ble connection timeout
    void bleStartConnect(String device_addr, byte[] conn_pass, int time_out);
     * ble communication disconnect requirement
    void bleDisConnect();
     * ble communication send message requirement
     * @param dat : ble send message
     * @param len :  length of send message maximum is 15 bytes.
    boolean bleSendMessage(byte[] dat, byte len);




 * ble communication progress listener interface.

public interface OnBleCommProgressListener {
     * scan device return
     * @param device_address: device mac address
     * @param device_name : device name
     * @param adv_flag : advertisement flag
    void onScanDevice(String device_address, String device_name, byte adv_flag);
     * scan device return
     * @param device_address: device mac address
    void onConnection(String device_address,int errorCode);
     * scan device return
     * @param device_address : device mac address
     * @param errorCode :
     *                  BLE_ERROR_OK : response for OPER_DISCON_REQ
     *                  BLE_ERROR_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT
    void onDisConnection(String device_address, int errorCode);
     * ble communication send message requirement
     * @param dat : ble receive message
     * @param len :  length of receive message maximum is 15 bytes.
    void onReceive(byte[] dat,int len);
    void onSendSta(int code);
     * service open success callback
     * ble communication core is a service named BleService
     * user need start it in user's Activity like this:
     * ((BleService.MyBinder)service).getService()
     * and register service in manifest like this
     * <service android:name="com.wearlink.blecomm.BleService"/>
    void onServiceOpen();
     * ble communication requirement success
     * @param Oper :
     *             OPER_ADV : bleStartAdvertisementSimulate
     *             OPER_CON_REQ : bleStartConnect
     *             OPER_DISCON_REQ : bleDisConnect
     *             OPER_TRAN : bleSendMessage
    void onStartSuccess(byte Oper);
     * ble communication requirement failed
     * @param Oper :
     *             OPER_ADV : bleStartAdvertisementSimulate
     *             OPER_CON_REQ : bleStartConnect
     *             OPER_DISCON_REQ : bleDisConnect
     *             OPER_TRAN : bleSendMessage
    void onStartFailure(byte Oper, int errorCode);


     * operation mode: advertisement.
    static final byte OPER_ADV       =   0x00;
     * operation mode: connection requirement.
    static final byte OPER_CON_REQ   =   0x01;
     * operation mode: connection response.
    static final byte OPER_CON_RSP   =   0x02;
     * operation mode: disconnection requirement.
    static final byte OPER_DISCON_REQ =   0x03;
     * operation mode: send message requirement.
    static final byte OPER_TRAN  =   0x04;
     * operation mode: ble communication session open
    static final byte OPER_OPEN = 0x05;
     * operation mode: ble communication session clos
    static final byte OPER_CLOSE = 0x06;


     * No Error occurred
    static final byte  BLE_ERROR_OK = 0x00;

     * Error: At least one of the input parameters is invalid
    static final byte BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER = 0x01;

     * Error: Operation is not permitted
    static final byte BLE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION = 0x02;
     * Error: connection requirement failed
     * time out
    static final byte BLE_ERROR_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = 0x03;
     * Error: connection has disconnected
     * time out
    static final byte BLE_ERROR_CONNECTION_DISCONNECTED = 0x04;



  1. 增加新的方法
     * ble advertisement start by special device name
     * only simulate method because ble communication session
     * support device need equal  LE General Discoverable Mode and
     * BR/EDR Not Supported.
     * @param device_addr : scan device address
     * @param response_data : response data
    void bleScanResponse(String device_addr, byte[] response_data);
  1. 加速收发流程
