
Ultra fast json encode / decode library for Python 3.5+

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


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yapic.json is an extreamly fast json encoder / decoder package for python. Encoding and decoding output fully compatible with python.json package.


  • Extreamly fast (see benchmark results in '/benchmark' directory)

  • Fully compatible output with Python json package

  • Builtin object serialization method __json__ (see below)

  • Strict JSON (RFC 4627) expected: Infinity, NaN (JavaScript compatible infinity and not a number symbols)

  • UTF-8 encoding & decoding support

  • Accurate float encoding & decoding

  • date / datetime / time encondig & decoding support (can encode subclasses)

  • uuid.UUID encoding support

  • ItemsView encoding support

    from collections.abc import ItemsView
    class MyDictGenerator(ItemsView):
       def __iter__(self):
          yield ("some_key", "some_value")
          yield ("meaning_of_life", 42)
    json.dumps(MyDictGenerator()) == '{"some_key":"some_value","meaning_of_life":42}'


  • Only works with Python 3.5 or greater

  • c++ 11 comaptible compiler. (only if u want to build from source)

    Wheels provided for windows x86/x64 and linux x86/x64 and osx x64

  • On Windows you maybe need to install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable



Very similar that python.json, let's see some example

Json data to python

from yapic import json

>>> json.loads('"Hello World"')
"Hello World"

Python object to json data

from yapic import json

>>> json.dumps("Hello World")
'"Hello World"'

class Point:
   def __json__(self):
      return {"x":1, "y":2}

>>> json.dumps(Point())


  • loads (s: bytes, str, *, object_hook: Callable[[dict], Any]]=None, parse_float: Callable[[str], Any]]=None, parse_date: bool=True)

    object_hook example:

    >>> from yapic import json
    >>> def hook(dict_):
    ...     if "__complex__" in dict_:
    ...         return complex(dict_["real"], dict_["imag"])
    >>> json.loads('{"__complex__":true, "real":1, "imag":2}',
    >>>     object_hook=hook)

    parse_float example:

    >>> from yapic import json
    >>> from decimal import Decimal
    >>> json.loads("1.2", parse_float=Decimal)
  • dumps (obj: Any, *, default: Callable[[Any], JSONT]=None, tojson: str="__json__", ensure_ascii: bool=True, encode_datetime: bool=True) -> str

    default example:

    >>> from yapic import json
    >>> def default_func(o):
    ...     if isinstance(o, complex):
    ...         return {"__complex__": True, "real": 1, "imag": 2}
    >>> json.dumps(1 + 2j, default=default_func)

    tojson example:

    >>> from yapic import json
    >>> class Point(object):
    ...     def __init__(self, x, y):
    ...         self.x = x
    ...         self.y = y
    ...     def __json__(self):
    ...         return {"x": self.x, "y": self.y}
    >>> json.dumps(Point(10, 20))
  • dumpb (obj: Any, *, default: Callable[[Any], JSONT]=None, tojson: str="__json__", ensure_ascii: bool=True, encode_datetime: bool=True) -> bytes

    Same as dumps, but this function is return bytes insted of str


import json as py_json

class JsonError(ValueError):
   """Base exception for all json errors"""

class JsonEncodeError(JsonError):
   """Exception for encoding errors"""

class JsonDecodeError(JsonError, py_json.JSONDecodeError):
   """Exception for decoding errors

   Can match python builtin ``json.JSONDecodeError``.

# alias for easier switch from std json lib
JSONDecodeError = JsonDecodeError

Json to Python translations

Json Python
"string" str
42 int
4.2, 4e2 float (unless you specify parse_float)
Infinity float("inf")
NaN float("NaN")
true True
false False
null None
2000-01-01 12:34:56 datetime without timezone
2000-01-01 12:34:56Z datetime with utc timezone
2000-01-01 12:34:56+0300 datetime with custom timezone
2000-01-01 date
10:12:34 time without timezone
10:12:34+0300 time with custom timezone
{...} dict (unless you specify object_hook)
[...] list

Python to Json translations

Python Json
str "..."
int(42) 42
float(4.2), Decimal(4.2) 4.2
float("inf"), Decimal("inf") Infinity
float("nan"), Decimal("nan") NaN
True true
False false
None null
datetime "2000-01-01 12:34:56", "2000-01-01T12:34:56+0300"
date "2000-01-01"
time "12:34:56", "12:34:56+0300"
UUID "aba04c17-6ea3-48c1-8dcd-74f0a9b79bee"
Enum encoding Enum.value attribute
dict, ItemsView, dataclass {...}
list, tuple, set, iterable [...]