
A rewrite of TonChan in C++ with QT

Primary LanguageQMake


A rewrite of TonChan in C++ with Qt for (hopefully) faster wallet syncing performance



  • git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/zpalmtree/turtlecoin-mobile-wallet-qt.git

If you already git cloned and need to init the submodule: git submodule update --init --recursive

  • Next you need to install qtcreator. I suggest you do not install from your distro repos - Mine were missing some android components.
  • Instead, install directly from their site - https://www.qt.io/download-qt-installer
  • I can't remember if there's any options to select.. I think I chose the default.
  • Now we need to setup some android build targets in qtcreator. Start by following this guide.

I'm afraid it is a very poor guide and leaves a lot out. I do not recall how I got mine working, but it involved a lot of googling. Good luck.

Once qtcreator is setup, we need to import the project into qtcreator.

  • Double click the src/TonChan.pro file, or run qrcreator src/TonChan.pro
  • It will ask you what build targets you want to support
  • Choose the android ones.
  • Open android studio (May need to install it)
  • Create an android emulator (Don't need to launch it)
  • Return to qtcreator


  • Click the run button
  • Choose x86, release (debug if developing?)
  • Choose the android emulator you created previously
  • It should open the android emulator, and open the app.


  • Update submodules to latest code: git submodule foreach git pull origin master