
(PRE-RELEASE) "pingg" is a social networking web app designed for gamers to link up and play their favorite games both online and in person. A 5-person group project for CS1530 Software Engineering, built with Firebase, Angular, RxJs, and Bulma CSS Framework.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A group project for CS1530 Software Engineering at the University of Pittsburgh. Our objective is to design a web-based information system for social networking using component-based programming. Our written submissions are available in the Submission Documents directory.

DEMO: https://pingg.tech



pingg is a social networking site designed for gamers to link up and play their favorite games both online and in person. The service will primarily allow users to discover new players who play similar games, with the ability to filter by location, average ping, and recently played games, along with stats and play-styles on a per-game basis. Users will be able to set a searchable primary alias on their profile along with a list of aliases they have used in other games. They will also be able to add a small visual flare to their profile by choosing from a preset list of icons.

This project was generated with Angular CLI version 10.0.5.

Getting Start with Angular

Install Angular CLI

Install Angular globally on your machine with this snippet.
npm install -g @angular/cli

Developing Angular with Typescript

VSCode with the Angular extension is recommended due to good code suggestion and real-time lint for the Typescript and Angular syntaxes.

Creating a Playground

To play around with some Angular on the side before getting into this repository's project files, it would be helpful to check out Using Angular in Visual Studio Code. Be sure to use Typescript and CSS.

If you haven't used Angular before, please watch this video and use VSCode to replicate what he makes. It's important for everyone working on aspects of an Angular project to understand the concept of component hierarchy and reusability.



Run the command cd SOME/PATH to a clean workspace NOT under iCloud sync.
Clone the project using the command git clone https://github.com/zpg6/pingg.git
Run git checkout master.


Create a branch that identifies you with git branch BRANCH_NAME. Run git checkout BRANCH_NAME.


  • To run bash scripts on Windows, see this link.

  • You'll need to have Angular, Firebase CLI, and git installed to your Terminal for all of the commands in the script to execute.

Run the shell script I made by running sh deploy.sh while in the root folder of the project.
You'll be asked to enter that BRANCH_NAME and a commit message (please be detailed).
The script handles BOTH Firebase deploying and GitHub committing, pushing, merging, and re-checking out BRANCH_NAME. Please let Zach know of any errors encountered in the shell script.

Before making ANY LOCAL CHANGES next time you want to code pingg, you will need to run sh checkout.sh while in the root folder of the project. You'll be asked to enter that BRANCH_NAME. The script handles fetching any changes to the master branch and merging them into your BRANCH_NAME.

Code Scaffolding

Run ng generate component component-name to generate a new component. You can also use ng generate directive|pipe|service|class|guard|interface|enum|module. It may be easier to use the Terminal/CommandPrompt inside of VSCode. I use one Terminal for ng g ... commands and one that runs the server and re-compiles in real-time after running ng serve and leaving it open in the background.

NOTE: Creating a component with the command ng g component chatWindow will create a component chat-window-component. In other words, no need to add the type of the newly scaffolded code to the name of it, Angular CLI will add it for you. Newly scaffolded files are placed in the following folder:


Services and Frameworks

Bulma CSS Styling

Bulma is a modern CSS framework initially developed, like many others, in response to the popular Bootstrap CSS framework. It's a CSS only framework with no JavaScript required, so it integrates in any environment by npm, jsDelivr CDN, and download for a one-time project-wide import. With a column-based layout, making Bulma perfect for quickly designing web pages for widescreen, desktop, tablet, and mobile screens.

Bulma is already imported to the pingg app-module and ready to use project-wide without any further import statements. It's located in the ./src/bulma directory.


The Bulma Documentation includes code snippets for use with Font Awesome 5 Icons. These are also imported project-wide and ready for use with any Bulma snippets. NOTE: Only Free icons will work.


For deployment, we'll be using Firebase Hosting to serve our Angular Web App.

On the front-end, we'll be using the official package for Firebase in Angular called AngularFire. You'll find they have written extensive documentation to connect our Angular app with all of the Firebase back-end services including:

Google Maps Javascript API

We'll be using TypeScript Google Maps to implement the Maps Javascript API.

Local Development

Running the Development Server

To locally serve the Angular app, cd to the repository root folder and execute ng serve. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/ in your web browser. The app will automatically reload if you change and save any of the source files.


It is highly recommended you add SimonTest to VSCode to simplify test generation. When a component is ready to test, assuming you've deleted the default .spec.ts file (if one exists), just right click on the folder for the component and hit Generate Angular Tests. This will generate a .spec.ts file with some tests already written for you!

A good video to get you started can be found here. You'll likely also want to read Basics of testing components and Component testing scenarios for a further look at some code snippets written by the Angular team before you write tests of your own.

Inspect Element

Don't forget that right-clicking on the page and selecting Inspect or Inspect Element will bring up a suite of diagnostic tools in most browsers. The Console tab or section will display any console.log(string) prints or errors from the Angular app.


Check out adding Augury to your browser extensions for an Angular-specific debugging tool.

Further Help

  • To see some great example videos from basic Angular to integrating with Firebase to server-side cloud functions, click this link FireShip Playlists on YouTube and select the topic you're working on.

  • To get more help on the Angular CLI use ng help or go check out the Angular CLI README.

  • To read more about Angular concepts like components, modules, pipes, etc. please visit angular.io/docs.

  • For more help with how Firebase services work, see Firebase Docs. There won't necessarily be Typescript code snippets there you can use in Angular, you can however change the snippet examples to a language you're familiar with to better understand the concept.