This is my no nonsense, plain language freelance contract. It's compiled from two primary sources, as listed in Credits.
It comes with a compile script, in the form of a Rakefile
To run it, type rake
from the repository root.
To compile and view:
rake view (the default task)
To compile contract:
rake compile
It requires Ruby and the Markdown and HTMLDOC command line tools (brew install markdown htmldoc
should do it on a Mac).
I'm not a lawyer, and make no promises that this contract will work for you. I assume no responsibility for any legal or other issues you may face as a result of using this contract. YMMV.
Include Authorization form for Credit Card in case of non-payment
You can use it if you want. (This complies with both prior authors' licensing and my own licensing intent) Prior authors have the choice of licensing their portions as they wish. Any content provided by ZPH is considered MIT Licensed.
Compiled from: (CC-BY-SA)
Anything not included in either of those contracts is an original contribution by yours truly.