
Primary LanguagePython

Lab 3

Welcome! This week we will be connecting to a Postgres database using models to for CRUD operations.

  1. PostgreSQL: The World's Most Advanced Open Source Relational Database

    • Follow the tutorials: installation and connection
    • Download the latest version of Postgres from EDB, which includes: PostgresSQL Server, pgAdmin 4, Stack Builder, Command Line Tools
      • OR, Mac users may want to use Homebrew for installation.
      • OR, Another Mac alternative is to dowload Postgres App
    • Confirm success:
      • For EDB, by opening SQL Shell (psql), and entering: SELECT version();
      • For homebrew, in terminal: psql postgres
      • For Postgres App, open application.
    • PSQl commands:
      • List all databases: \d
      • List all schemas: \dn
      • List all tables: \dt
      • List all users: \du
      • Connect: \c
      • Quit: \q
    • Create usersdb database:
      • Create: CREATE DATABASE usersdb;
      • Connect: \c usersdb;
      • Type CREATE TABLE users(user_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, first_name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, age INT NOT NULL);
      • Confirm table creation: SELECT * FROM users;
      • Insert user: INSERT INTO users(first_name, age) VALUES ('Zona', 35);
  2. Build a model for your usersdb

    • Create a directory 'models' and add a new file 'user.py'.
    • Import Flask SqlAlchemy: pip install flask-sqlalchemy
    • Install Psycopg2: pip install psycopg2
      • If error, add to PATH (or equivalent for configuration): export PATH="/Library/PostgreSQL/12/bin/:$PATH"
      • If another error, pip install psycopg2-binary
    • Add imports, db init and User class to user.py
      from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
      # Create DB instance
      db = SQLAlchemy()
      class User(db.model):
          # Fields
          __tablename__ = 'users'
          user_id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
          first_name = db.Column(db.String(64), nullable=False)
          age = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False)
          # toString
          def toString(self):
              print(f"{self.user_id}: {self.first_name} ({self.age})")
    • Create an html template form 'adduser.html':
      <h1>Add user:</h1>
      <form class="user-form" method="POST" action="/adduser">
          {{ form.hidden_tag() }}
          <div class="user-form-group">
              {{ form.first_name.label }}:
              {{ form.first_name }}
              {% if form.first_name.errors %}
                  {% for error in form.first_name.errors %}
                      <p class="user-error-message">{{ error }}</p>
                  {% endfor %}
              {% endif %}
          <div class="user-form-group">
              {{ form.age.label }}:
              {{ form.age }}
              {% if form.age.errors %}
                  {% for error in form.age.errors %}
                      <p class="user-error-message">{{ error }}</p>
                  {% endfor %}
              {% endif %}
          <div class="user-form-submit">
              {{ form.submit }}
  3. Build a user form

    • Create a directory 'modules' and add a new file 'userform.py'.
    • Install Flask WTF: pip install flask-wtf;
    • Add imports and UserForm class to userform.py
      from flask_wtf import FlaskForm
      from wtforms import StringField, IntegerField, SubmitField
      from wtforms.validators import DataRequired
      class UserForm(FlaskForm):
      first_name = StringField('First Name', validators=[DataRequired()])
      age = IntegerField('Age', validators=[DataRequired()])
      submit = SubmitField('Enter')
  4. Connect the database with your Flask app.

    • In 'app.py' add/update import statements for your user model:
      from flask import Flask, render_template, request, redirect, url_for
      from models.user import Db, User
      from modules.userform import UserForm
    • Also after you initialize your app, configure and connect the db:
      app = Flask(__name__)
      app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'postgresql://localhost/usersdb'
      app.config['SQLALCHEMY_TRACK_MODIFICATIONS'] = False
      app.secret_key = "s14a-key"
  5. Implementing CRUD

    • Create a '/' route with some logic (READ):
      def index():
      # Query all
      users = User.query.all()
      # Iterate and print
      for user in users:
      return render_template("index.html")
    • Create a '/adduser' route with GET and POST methods (CREATE):
      # @route /adduser - GET, POST
      @app.route('/adduser', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
      def addUser():
      form = UserForm()
      # If GET
      if request.method == 'GET':
          return render_template('adduser.html', form=form)
      # If POST
          if form.validate_on_submit():
              first_name = request.form['first_name']
              age = request.form['age']
              new_user = User(first_name=first_name, age=age)
              return redirect(url_for('index'))
              return render_template('adduser.html', form=form)
    • Expand route, '/adduser/<first_name>/', to add users based on url parameters":
      # @route /adduser/<first_name>/<age>
      def addUserFromUrl(first_name, age):
          Db.session.add(User(first_name=first_name, age=age))
          return redirect(url_for('index'))

    1. At route '/', show (read) all users in browser.
    2. Create a read route for an individual user.
    3. Create a route to delete a user by id.
    4. Create a route to update a user's name or age
    5. Create a route that can generate mock data of any amount (names can be nonsense).
    6. Improve the styling of your site.
    7. (EC). Introduce validation features that require user confirmation for deleting/updating.