
A remake of Notepad but in Python, using Tkinter

Primary LanguagePython


A remake of Notepad but in Python, using Tkinter.

What can it do?

It currently supports the following features
Opening a text file
Saving a text file
Editing text file
Dark Mode
Scroll Bars!
Python Syntax Highlighting!


If you'd like to contribute, just pull the project down to your local machine, checkout the development branch of the project, and then make a PR with your changes.

How can I use it?

If you have python 3.5+ installed, you can simply clone the repository and run main.py, it will work right out of the box and doesn't contain any dependedencies. In the future there will be an option to download an exe version of it, for useage on computers that don't have python installed. This version of pyNotepad works currently on all platforms, provided they support python.


If you so wish, you can clone the development branch which contains experimental features that are currently being worked on.
Some of these features include
More menu options and buttons
Introducing Tabs
Possible Session History and Correctly working Undo

What Might be added in the future?

Fully working tabs, multiple files open at the same time
Formatting options and some settings
Some kind of xml settings file to remember your settings
Remembering where you opened a file