
Travel India is a website that gives tourism information about INDIA.

Primary LanguageCSS


Travel India is a website that gives tourism information about INDIA.



  • Clone/download the project
  • Open the project
  • Install all the dependencies by running npm install in terminal.
  • Add these environment variables to a .env file on your project root directory.

How to run ?

Execute this command

npm start

If you are modifying or making any changes to this project, Use

npm run dev

It will start project using nodemon server. Each time when you make any changes it will restart the server automatically.

How to Contribute

  • Fork the repo
  • Make Changes
  • Pull Request

Note: Make sure to check Issue section for Identified Issues

Built with

  • Nodejs 14
  • Javascript
  • MongoDB
  • Express
  • JWT (JsonWebToken)
  • bcrypt
  • Mongoose
  • BodyParser
  • path
  • dotenv