
Dockerfile of the public images vulpemventures/esplora and vulpemventures/esplora-liquid

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT

Docker esplora

Dockerfile of the public image ghcr.io/vulpemventures/esplora:latest

Pull the image:

$ docker pull ghcr.io/vulpemventures/esplora:latest

Run the container:

$ docker run -p 5000:5000 -d -e API_URL=https://blockstream.info/api -e PORT 5000 ghcr.io/vulpemventures/esplora:latest


To tag a new image with a new version:

  1. Create a new folder with COMMIT_SHA as directory name
  2. Modify the GH Action in .github/workflows/docker-publish.yml changing the ARG COMMIT_SHA with new created folder
  3. Push in master