Training Blueprint and Exploitability Evaluation

We provide a simple example of Leduc Poker about how to build a game tree, how to use MCCFR algorithms to get the Nash equilibrium strategy, and how to evaluate the strategy exploitability by the best response algorithm.


Leduc Poker Agent Using MCCFR

  • Supported Training methods:
    • External Sampling
    • Chance Sampling


  • For C++11 support
  • GraphViz software


  • Clone repositories:
$ git clone
  • Compile and Run:
$ cd zqbAse/PokerAI_Sim
$ g++ blueprint.cpp -o blueprint.o -std=c++11
$ ./blueprint.o

Project Frameworks

├── Tree            # game tree code
│   ├── Node.h              # data structure of every node in game tree
│   ├── Bulid_Tree.h        # traverse every possible hole card, community cards and legal actions to bulid the game tree
│   ├── Exploitability.h    # it compute the exploitability of game tree policy
│   ├── Save_load.h         # it can save game tree policy to a file and load file to bulid a game tree
│   └── Visualize_Tree.h    # Visualize game Tree
├── Util            # 
│   └── Randint.h           # the class is to generate random number
├── img             # game tree figure
├── Poker           # the foundation class of the poker game
│   ├── Card.h              # every card class, it's id range from 0 to 5, which map figure 1 to 6
│   ├── Deck.h              # deck class of cards, it contains 6 cards
│   ├── Engine.h            # it compute game result, judging win person and the person can get the number of chips
│   ├── Player.h            # player class,it's attributes contain initial chips, bet chips, small or big blind
│   ├── Table.h             # it's attributes contain players, pot and community cards
│   └── State.h             # it is game state, contain every players infoset
└── blueprint.cpp   # it is main algorithm of mccfr

The Detail of Poker folder

the foundation class of the poker game.

  • every card class, it's id range from 0 to 5, which map figure 1 to 6.
  • deck class of cards, it contains 6 cards.
  • it compute game result, judging win person and the person can get the number of chips.
  • player class,it's attributes contain initial chips, bet chips, small or big blind. it's functions contain raise, call and fold.
  • it's attributes contain players, pot and community cards.

it is game state, contain every players infoset.

  • constructor function contian deal every player hole card, three community cards and have mapped (hole card,community cards) to a branch in chance node.
  • function reset_game() is reset game to initial game.
  • function move_to_next_player() is that after a player takes action, turning to next player who can take action.
  • function reset_betting_round_state() is to control raise chips and check situation.
  • function is_terminal() is to judge game over, including one player remained or river round over.
  • function payout(int i) is to compute player i winning or losing chips.
  • function apply_action(char actionstr) is that when a player take action, game state is change.
  • function increment_stage() is that when every game round over, turning to next round.
  • function legal_actions() is to return legal actions in current state.

The Detail of Poker folder

  • data structure of every node in game tree.
  • traverse every possible hole card, community cards and legal actions to bulid the game tree.
  • it compute the exploitability of game tree policy.
  • save or load the game tree policy. it can save game tree policy to a file and load file to bulid a game tree.
  • Visualize game Tree.After the game run out, current folder will generate a 'blueprint_sim.stgy' file.
$ cd GraphViz/bin
$ dot -Tpng blueprint_sim.stgy > temp.png
  • temp.png is the game tree.