
Record a web page on the server

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Record the beautiful moments in the website in the server.

All Contributors Docker Cloud Build Status Twitter GitHub license

Multi Language


This project records the web page in the server.

What can it be used for

  • Record the user operation on the client, reproduce it on the server and record it.
  • Record any changes to the specified web page.
  • If there is the function of client recording, the computer requirements of the client can be reduced


  • Record for tab pages, so refresh web pages and jump can also be recorded
  • You can also record the sound of web pages, even if your server does not have a sound card.
  • Perfect crash, error processing mechanism
  • You can add your own code to state, and it is very convenient.
  • Supports Chrome DevTools Protocol and VNC debugging

Quick start

Use the rebirth project to record on the server

docker run -dit -P --name rebirth_alo7 -v `pwd`/rebirth_alo7/logs:/etc/www/logs -v `pwd`/rebirth_alo7/video:/root/Downloads -e MATERIAL_URL="https://www.alo7.com/en/" -e START_VNC="yes" alo7docker/rebirth

Web Page API

After the webpage is loaded, some api will be injected for the webpage to use.

// Initialize the API (if not called within 5 minutes, the task is considered to have failed) to ensure that the web page can be opened normally.

// start record

// pause record

// resume record

// stop record

// record fail

// set extra info, The final information is delivered to your custom code
  foo: 'bar'

Environmental Variable

They are defined in Dockerfile

  • MATERIAL_URL: The url to be recorded, the default value is https://github.com/
  • START_VNC: Whether to start VNC, open as yes. The default value is no
  • VNC_PASSWORD: VNC connection password, default value is rebirth
  • MAX_RECORD_TIME: What is the maximum time of the current recording, in milliseconds, the default value is 7200000 (two hours)

How to customize code

In the src/hooks directory, create a new file: index.js, in the following format:

module.exports = {
   * Triggered when recording is complete
   * @param {Object} data - Client request body
   * @return {void | string | Object | number | boolean | Function | Promise.resolve}
  completeRecordAfter: (data) => {
    return true;

  // Triggered after recording failure
  // The parameters are the same as completeRecordAfter
  failAfter: () => {},


Thanks goes to these wonderful people:


💻 🤔

