
Kubernetes configurations for smartBCH.

MIT LicenseMIT


Kubernetes configurations for smartBCH on GCE. Note that this requires cert-manager if you use the ingress features.


  1. Add a new blank disk on GCE called smartbch-data that is 20GB. You can always expand it later.
  2. Edit kube/smartbch-ingress.yml with your preferred domain name.
  3. Run kubectl apply -f kube/smartbch-init-job.yml to initialize smartBCH.
  4. Copy the required dot files onto the volume.
  1. Run kubectl apply -f kube/smartbch-deployment.yml to deploy the app.
  2. Run kubectl apply -f kube/smartbch-srv.yml to setup the kubernetes service.
  3. Run kubectl apply -f kube/smartbch-ingress.yml to add ingress from outside the cluster.
  4. Run kubectl apply -f kube/smartbch-wss-ingress.yml to add websocket ingress from outside the cluster.
  5. Profit!