
Shitty message queue

Primary LanguageJava


❯ Design Overview

  • RocksDB WAL for durability

  • Atomic counters persisted in /system used by all write operations

  • User, Feed, Articles persisted in /data

  • 3 synchronized write methods and everything else is lock free
    Counters maintained for each resource type and articles per feed

    • /system/counters/{users|feeds}
    • /system/counters/articles/{feedId}

    When adding a new resource, counter is incremented and then resource written under that id. This means that resource ids will always be monotonically increasing although there might be gaps in cases where a counter is acquired but server fails before writing actual data.

    • /data/users/{userId}
    • /data/feeds/{feedId}
    • /data/articles/{feedId}/{articleId}

    This gives nice scan operations when fetching entries per feed since keys are ordered in the LSM. For a production system, would just use the raw WAL and not commit to LSM / perform compaction.

  • Async Master -> Slave replication using RocksDB.getUpdatesSince()
    (Planned for but not implemented)

❯ Installation

# need rocksdb shared library to generate JNI
$ brew install rocksdb

# build project and run tests
$ maven clean package

# populate test data
$ java -jar target/feeds-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar populate config.yml

# run server
$ java -jar target/feeds-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar server config.yml

# dump database to console for inspection (server shouldn't be running)
$ java -jar target/feeds-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar dump config.yml


# List all feeds (doesn't list contents)
GET /v1/feeds

# Show individual feed
GET /v1/feeds/{feedId} ? startId = {articleId}

# Create new feed
# Automatically assign an id and returns new feed
POST /v1/feeds

# Publish an article to feed
# Plaintext POST contents are inserted as the article
# text and an id auto-generated and assigned
POST /v1/feeds/{feedId}/publishArticle

# List all users
GET /v1/users

# Show individual user
GET /v1/users/{userId}

# Create new user
# Automatically assigns an id and returns new user
POST /v1/users

# Subscribe to feed
# This would have been better implemented with an HTTP PATCH,
# but at least guarantees that subscribe / unsubscribe are idempotent
# This operation records the current latest {articleId} from {feedId}
# and when consuming all feeds for user will start reading each feed
# from the recorded {articleId}. This mapping is only recorded when the user
# subscribes to a new feed, not when they consume more events, for which
# they have to maintain state on their side.
POST /v1/users/{userId}/subscribe ? feedId = {feedId}

# Unsubscribe from feed
# This would have been better implemented with an HTTP PATCH,
# but at least guarantees that subscribe / unsubscribe are idempotent
POST /v1/users/{userId}/unsubscribe ? feedId = {feedId}

# Consume subscribed feeds for a user
# If no POST body then gives 1 page (50 items) from each feed starting
# from the recorded {articleId} when the feed was subscribed.
# If a mapping of {feedId} -> {articleId} is provided, then for each named
# feed returns 1 page (50 items) starting from given {articleId} and for the
# rest of the subscribed feeds 1 page of articles from initially recorded
# {articleId}
POST /v1/users/{userId}/consumeFeeds

  "{feedId}": "{articleId}",

    "id": "{feedId}",
    "articles": List<Article>

❯ Reading Guide

  • FeedsDB.java is the wrapper around RocksDB and provides
    • getCounter and incrementCounter (atomic)
    • get and put for a key
    • scan for a named prefix with ability to start at any position
      in that range. It returns an iterator wrapping RocksIterator that stops consumer from crossing prefix boundaries.
  • FeedResource.java contains all Feed operations
  • UserResource.java contains all User operations
  • Tests for each class
    • FeedsDBTest.java
    • FeedResourceTest.java
    • UserResourceTest.java