
Eigen (linear algebra header templates) in Intel SGX

Primary LanguageC++

Eigen in Intel SGX

A sample code of how to use Eigen (C++ linear algebra template headers) in Intel SGX. This sample code modifies linux-sgx's SampleEnclave.

How to Build/Execute the Sample Code

  1. Install Intel(R) SGX SDK for Linux* OS

  2. Make sure your environment is set: $ source ${sgx-sdk-install-path}/environment

  3. Locate the following files in system directories and copy them over to Include/intrinsic. Usually, they are located in gcc's include directory (e.g. /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/6.5.0/include).

    • emmintrin.h
    • mmintrin.h
    • mm_malloc.h
    • xmmintrin.h
  4. Download Eigen and copy the header templates directory (i.e. Eigen/) into Include/.

  5. Build the project with the prepared Makefile:

    a. Hardware Mode, Debug build: $ make

    b. Hardware Mode, Pre-release build: $ make SGX_PRERELEASE=1 SGX_DEBUG=0

    c. Hardware Mode, Release build: $ make SGX_DEBUG=0

    d. Simulation Mode, Debug build: $ make SGX_MODE=SIM

    e. Simulation Mode, Pre-release build: $ make SGX_MODE=SIM SGX_PRERELEASE=1 SGX_DEBUG=0

    f. Simulation Mode, Release build: $ make SGX_MODE=SIM SGX_DEBUG=0

  6. Execute the binary directly: $ ./app

  7. Remember to make clean before switching build mode

How to Use Eigen in any SGX Projects

Copy Include/shim.hpp to your project. Make sure shim.hpp, Eigen, and the files listed in step 3 are all visible during compilation. Any time an Eigen header is #include'd in a file, make sure to include shim.hpp above it to expose the fake std classes.