
dwarf fort

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Year 250

Strike the Earth

We left in spring, given a mission to fashion adamantine weapons and armor, and strike The Pits of Demonsqueeze, the dark goblin fortress to the north. A suicide mission to rid the King of some unwanted pests, I'm sure. King Aban Tekkudnol and our expedition leader, Fath Nabarastesh, seemed to have some row over a stonecutting. Personally, I think Fath may be fond of elves.

We found an adequate spot to settle. Not too far from the Dwarven hillock Boardtired. A fitting name.

-- 'Willie' Enseboltar


Bo the Elephant

Who's idea was it to bring the elephant? It's only a matter of time before someone gets trampled. She seems to be calmed by music, so as long as we keep playing music she... wait. Nobody brought instruments. Armok have mercy.

Fort Entrance

We dug into the side of the cliff when we arrived. Cut away the cliff face and put in a gate and a lever to close it. If anything it will protect us from that damned elephant. Fath had us carve away some chambers to either side of the gate, muttered something of drowning invaders but I'm sure I misheard.

Caravan arrives

A caravan has arrived from the mountainhomes. Probably surprised as we are to still be alive. I'm sure they're going to be wanting some crafts but all we've had time to do is brew beer and make a shit load of rock mugs. Well, they'll have to do.

Migrant Stonecrafter

Some other unfortunate souls arrived. Good. We put them to work. One of them seems to be an accomplished stone crafter, and created some artifact "Concering the Verge of Escapement". Seems trustworthy...

Migrant Skills


Kobolds ran in quickly and stole something! It must not have been important because nobody is sure what they stole before they ran away. I was told to start putting on armor and grab a weapon. We didn't have any armor except for some leather trousers.

Necromancer Visitor

We were visited by a necromancer, "Seto Setduktoke". He checked out our meager temple, then left. I'm not sure I want to worship at that temple any more...


Our miners dug into the ceiling of caverns below. I'm not sure what the hassle was about but there was some shouting of "Destroy the stairs! Seal it off!", so someone was concerned. I just know that the miners brought back all these mushrooms now they're growing everywhere.

End of Year

Well that's it for the first year. Our food stocks are fine and we have enough beer to last at least another two or three years at this point, and god knows we'll need it. No sign of the goblins yet, thankfully. And that elephant hasn't hurt anyone.. yet. Perhaps it can be trained to fight. Good luck to the next overseer, they will need it.