SkyWalking Kubernetes repository provides ways to install and configure skywalking in a Kubernetes cluster. The scripts are written in Helm3.
$ cd chart
$ helm repo add elastic
$ helm dep up skywalking
$ helm install <release_name> skywalking -n <namespace>
Note: If you want to deploy Elasticsearch 6, execute the following command
$ helm dep up skywalking
$ helm install <release_name> skywalking -n <namespace> --values ./skywalking/values-es6.yaml
If not want to deploy a new elasticsearch cluster, this way can be solved.
Only need to close the elasticsearch deployed by chart default and configure the existing elasticsearch connection method.
$ cd chart
$ helm repo add elastic
$ helm dep up skywalking
$ helm install <release_name> skywalking -n <namespace> \
--set elasticsearch.enabled=false \
--set<es_host> \
--set elasticsearch.config.port.http=<es_port>
Note: You need to make sure your ES cluster version is 7.x , If your cluster version is 6.x, execute the following command
$ helm dep up skywalking
$ helm install <release_name> skywalking -n <namespace> \
--values ./skywalking/values-es6.yaml
--set elasticsearch.enabled=false \
--set<es_host> \
--set elasticsearch.config.port.http=<es_port>
This is recommended as the best practice to deploy SkyWalking backend stack into kubernetes cluster.
SkyWalking version | Chart version |
6.5.0 | 1.0.0 |
6.6.0 | 1.1.0 |
Please head to the releases page to download a release of Apache SkyWalking.
Note: The source code for the release chart matches the git tag.
SkyWalking version | Chart position |
6.0.0-GA | 6.0.0-GA |
6.1.0 | 6.1.0 |
6.3.0 | 6.3.0 |
6.4.0 | 6.4.0 |
Note: The source code for old charts are in the legacy-helm-chart branch.
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