System Tests for Rackspace Private Cloud - OpenStack

WIP This project is a work in progress and is subject to breaking changes and design changes.

The rcp-openstack-system-tests repository contains virtualenv requirements and constraints for installing the molecule framework for deploying system state via ansible and validating that state using the infratest test framework on the Deployment Host.

Tests are gathered as git submodules under the molecules directory. Molecule should be run against each of the submodules in turn.

This repository is meant to be run on the Deployment Host.

Gather Submodules

Since the molecule tests are included as git submodules, they must be initialized and updated in order to be accessible to the molecule test runner.

git submodule init
git submodule update --recursive

Virtualenv Deployment

On the Deployment Host, create a python virtualenv and populate it using the included requirements.txt and constraints.txt files. This will install molecule and ansible into the virtualenv.



# Create virtualenv for molecule
virtualenv --no-pip --no-setuptools --no-wheel ${SYS_VENV_NAME}

# Activate virtualenv
source ${SYS_VENV_NAME}/bin/activate

# Ensure that correct pip version is installed
PIP_TARGET="$(awk -F= '/^pip==/ {print $3}' ${SYS_CONSTRAINTS})"

if [[ "$(${VENV_PIP} --version)" != "pip ${PIP_TARGET}"* ]]; then
    CURL_CMD="curl --silent --show-error --retry 5"
    ${CURL_CMD} > ${OUTPUT_FILE}  \
        || ${CURL_CMD} > ${OUTPUT_FILE}
    GETPIP_OPTIONS="pip setuptools wheel --constraint ${SYS_CONSTRAINTS}"
        || ${VENV_PYTHON} ${OUTPUT_FILE} --isolated ${GETPIP_OPTIONS}

# Install test suite requirements
${VENV_PIP} install ${PIP_OPTIONS} || ${VENV_PIP} install --isolated ${PIP_OPTIONS}

Generate Molecule Config from Ansible Dynamic Inventory

The script will build molecule config files from a RPC-O Ansible dynamic inventory file. As a prerequisite to using the script a dynamic inventory must be generated from a RPC-O build:

sudo su -
cd /opt/openstack-ansible/playbooks/inventory
./ > /path/to/dynaic_inventory.json

Now you can generate a molecule.yml config file using the script:

cd /path/to/rpc-openstack-system-tests
./ /path/to/dynaic_inventory.json

The above command assumes that the templates/molecule.yml.j2 template will be used along with molecule.yml as the output file.

Execute Molecule Tests

For each of the submodules in the molecules directory, run the molecule converge command to execute any ansible playbook plays needed to set the system up for test validation. Then run the molecule verify command to validate that the system state conforms to the defined specifications.

The script is used to transpose the Deploy Host's dynamic inventory JSON output into the yaml format used by molecule internally.


# Assuming that the dynamic inventory script is located at the following location:
/opt/openstack-ansible/playbooks/inventory/ > /tmp/dynamic_inventory.json
for TEST in $(ls molecules) ; do
    ./ --output molecules/$TEST/molecule/default/molecule.yml /tmp/dynamic_inventory.json
    pushd molecules/$TEST
    molecule converge
    molecule verify

Execute '' Unit Tests

Execute the unit tests for the script use the following commands:

cd /path/to/rpc-openstack-system-tests
python -m unittest discover -s tests