
We create a simple system includes: api, frontpage, admin site

Primary LanguageTSQLOtherNOASSERTION


We create a simple system includes: api, frontpage, admin site

  • api: Nodejs, express, mariadb. Posible to running on docker and easy to scale.
  • front page: Nextjs, react, redux. Server site render, support SEO, target on end-user, same source base with mobile and admin-site.
  • admin: Create-react-app, react, redux. Client site render, target on admin-user, same source base with mobile and admin-site

To scale as microservice system, we must have the API gateway (Kong) and every request should go throught the gateway. (it will done later)

Some services will interact with Khafka to handle request. (like orders, message, etc) (it will done later)


// git submodule 
git submodule init
git submodule update

// API
cd ./api
mkdirs ./uploads
npm install
cd ./front
npm install
cd ./admin
npm install

// up all container
docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml up -d 

// seed data
docker exec -it api bash
npm run seed
// build admin
cd ./admin
npm run build_pro (or deploy_stag, etc)
// build front
cd ./front
npm run build_pro
// restart container
docker restart web

// delete all container
docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q)

WEBSITE: localhost:5000

API: localhost:5001

DATABASE: localhost:5006

DATABASE ADMINER: localhost:8082

database: mariadb
user: admin
pass: admin

FRONT UI: localhost:5000