
Bootstrap sampling and confidence interval estimation package.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Toolbox for bootstrap sampling and estimation of confidence intervals.

You can choose between hierarchical and non-parametric sampling and combine them with multiple bootstrap methods for estimation of confidence intervals.

This initial version is adapted for a research paper on bootstrap sampling. Next version will be adjusted for ease of use.

Table of Contents

Getting started

Installation and a simple use case example.


To use the bootstrap-ci package you will need to download it from pip:

pip install bootstrap-ci

Simple example

Once you installed the package, you can use ci method to obtain confidence intervals for your chosen statistic on a given sample:

import bootstrap-ci as boot
import numpy as np

sample = np.random.normal(0, 1, size=1000)

bootstrap = boot.Bootstrap(sample, statistic=np.mean)

onesided_95 = bootstrap.ci(coverages=[0.95], nr_bootstrap_samples=1000)
print(f'One-sided 95% confidence interval for mean is equal to (-inf, {round(onesided_95[0], 3)}).')

>>> One-sided 95% confidence interval for mean is equal to (-inf, 0.004).

twosided_95 = bootstrap.ci(coverages=0.95, side='two', nr_bootstrap_samples=1000)
print(f'Two-sided 95% confidence interval for mean is equal to ({round(twosided_95[0], 3)}, {round(twosided_95[1], 3)}).')

>>> Two-sided 95% confidence interval for mean is equal to (-0.108, 0.014).

To see more examples for different sampling possibilities go to Parameters.

Bootstrap sampling

Bootstrap can be divided into two separate steps. The first one is bootstrap sampling, that produces the bootstrap distribution, which approximates the distribution of the observed parameter. There are different approaches to bootstrap sampling, differing primarily in their underlying data assumptions and parameter estimation. In this package you can choose between non-parametric and hierarchical sampling.

Non-parametric sampling

Non-parametric sampling is assumption-free and estimates the underlying data distribution $F$ directly with the original sample $X$. This means that for each bootstrap sample, it samples with replacement directly from the original sample. There are $n^n$ different possible samples that can arise with such procedure, but because of computational intensiveness, you can choose the number of independent samples, $B$, that you want to obtain. To obtain the bootstrap distribution, the value of the observed statistic is calculated on each of them.

Hierarchical sampling

Hierarchical bootstrap sampling takes into account the group dependencies of the underlying data generating process. We implemented the completely non-parametric cases sampling, where you can choose between all possible strategies, and the parametric random-effect sampling.

Cases sampling

Bootstrap samples are obtained by resampling the groups on each level. They can be resampled with or without replacement, the latter meaning that we just take all the groups (or data points) on that level. Sampling strategy is selected with a vector of zeros and ones, $s = (s_1, \dots, s_{n_{lvl}})$, of the same length as the number of levels in the sample. The value 1 in the vector denotes sampling with replacement from that particular level. The value of 0 denotes sampling without replacement for that level.

Random-effect sampling

Random-effect sampling is a parametric sampling method that assumes that the data come from a random-effect model. It first estimates the random effects of each group on each level of the sample, then draws those random effects with replacement, to produce new bootstrap samples.

Bootstrap methods

After bootstrap sampling, you can use one of the bootstrap methods to construct a confidence interval from the acquired bootstrap distribution.


The percentile method is the original bootstrap method. Even though multiple improvements were made, it is probably still the most used one. The percentile estimation of confidence level $\alpha$ is obtained by taking the $\alpha$ quantile of the bootstrap distribution,

$$\hat{\theta}_{perc}[\alpha] = \hat{\theta}^*_\alpha.$$

In all the implementations of methods that use quantiles, the "median-unbiased" version of quantile calculation is used.


The standard method, sometimes also called the normal method, assumes that the bootstrap distribution is normal and estimates standard deviation based on that. The estimations of confidence levels are obtained with

$$\hat{\theta}_{std}[\alpha] = \hat{\theta} + \hat{\sigma} z_\alpha,$$ where $\hat{\theta}$ is the parameter value on the original sample, $\hat{\sigma}$ is the standard deviation estimate from the bootstrap distribution and $z_\alpha$ is the z-score of standard normal distribution.


In the basic method, also sometimes called the reverse percentile method, the observed bootstrap distribution, $\theta^*$, is replaced with $W^* = \theta^* - \hat{\theta}$. This results in $$\hat{\theta}_{bsc}[\alpha] = 2\hat{\theta} - \hat{\theta}^*_{1 - \alpha}.$$


$BC$ does an important correction to the percentile interval. It removes the bias that arises from $\hat{\theta}$ not being the median of the bootstrap distribution, and is thus better in non-symetric problems, where the percentile method can fail. The confidence level is estimated by:

$$\hat{\theta}_{BC}[\alpha] = \hat{\theta}^*_{\alpha_{BC}}, $$

$$\alpha_{BC} = \Phi\big(2\Phi^{-1}(\hat{b}) + z_\alpha \big),$$

where $\Phi$ is the CDF of standard normal distribution and $\hat{b}$ is the bias, calculated as the percentage of values from bootstrap distribution that are lower than the parameter's value on the original sample, $\hat{\theta}$.


$BC_a$ does another correction to the $BC$ interval, by computing the acceleration constant $a$, which can account for the skewness of the bootstrap distribution.

This further adjusts the $\alpha_{BCa}$, which is then calculated by:

$$ \hat{\theta}_{BCa}[\alpha] = \hat{\theta}^*_{\alpha_{BCa}}$$

$$\alpha_{BCa} = \Phi\Big(\Phi^{-1}(b) + \frac{\Phi^{-1}(\hat{b}) + z_\alpha}{1 + \hat{a} (\Phi^{-1}(\hat{b}) + z_\alpha)} \Big),$$ where $\hat{a}$ is the approximation of the acceleration constant, that can be calculated using leave-one-out jackknife:

$$\hat{a} = \frac{1}{6}\frac{\sum U_i^3}{(\sum U_i^2)^\frac{3}{2}} $$ $$U_i = (n-1)(\hat{\theta}_. - \hat{\theta}_{(i)}),$$ where $\hat{\theta}_{(i)}$ is the estimation of $\theta$ without the $i$-th datapoint and $\hat{\theta}_.$ is the mean of all $\hat{\theta}_{(i)}$.


The smoothed method replaces bootstrap distribution with a smoothed version of it ($\Theta^*$), by adding random noise, with a normal kernel centered on 0. The kernel's size is determined by a rule of thumb width selection: $h = 0.9 \min \big( \sigma^*, \frac{iqr}{1.34} \big),$ where $iqr$ is the inter-quartile range of bootstrap distribution, the difference between its first and third quartile.

The estimation of the confidence level is then obtained by taking the $\alpha$ quantile of the smoothed distribution:

$$\hat{\theta}_{smooth}[\alpha] = \hat{\Theta}^*_\alpha.$$


The studentized or bootstrap-t method, generalizes the Student's t method, using the distribution of $T = \dfrac{\hat{\theta} - \theta}{\hat{\sigma}}$ to estimate the confidence level $\alpha$. It is computed by $$\hat{\theta}_{t}[\alpha] = \hat{\theta} - \hat{\sigma} T_{1-\alpha},$$ where $\hat{\theta}$ is the parameter value on the original sample, $\hat{\sigma}$ is the standard deviation estimate from the bootstrap distribution. Since the distribution of T is not known, its percentiles are approximated from the bootstrap distribution. That is done by defining $T^* = \dfrac{\hat{\theta}^* - \hat\theta}{\hat{\sigma}^*}$, where $\hat{\theta}^*$ is the parameter's value on each bootstrap sample, and $\hat{\sigma}^*$ is obtained by doing another inner bootstrap sampling on each of the outer samples. There are other possible ways to acquire $\hat{\sigma}^*$, but we chose this way as it is very general and fully automatic.


The double bootstrap is made to adjust bias from a single bootstrap iteration with another layer of bootstraps. The bootstrap procedure is repeated on each of the bootstrap samples to calculate the bias - the percentage of times that the parameter on its inner bootstrap sample is smaller from the original parameter's value. We want to take such a limit that $P {\hat{\theta} \in (-\infty, \hat{\theta}_{double}[\alpha])} = \alpha$, which is why we need to select the $\alpha$-th quantile of biases $\hat{b}^*$ for the adjusted level $\alpha_{double}$. This leads to:

$$\hat{\theta}_{double}[\alpha] = \hat{\theta}^*_{\alpha_{double}}$$ $$\alpha_{double} = \hat{b}^*_\alpha.$$


Here we describe the possible parameter values on different steps and present some additional examples.


First a Bootstrap instance needs to be initialized. Following parameters can be set:

  • data: a numpy array containing values of the sample of interest.
  • statistic: a callable function that accepts arrays of the same structure as parameter data and return a single value.
  • use_jit: bool that selects whether to use the numba library to speed up the sampling. Default value is set to False. Change to True if you use a big number of bootstrap samples and want to speed up the calculations
  • group_indices: a parameter given only for hierarchical data. A list of lists that tells us how the data points in data parameter group together. For example indices [[[0, 1], [2]], [[3]]] together with array [0, 1, 2, 3] tell us we have one group containing a group with points 0 and 1, and a group with point 2, and another group containing a group with point 3.

You initialize an instance that will estimate the distribution of mean statistic on a given sample from normal distribution with the following code:

import bootstrap-ci as boot
import numpy as np

sample = np.random.normal(0, 1, size=1000)

bootstrap = boot.Bootstrap(sample, statistic=np.mean)


The method sample draws bootstrap samples from the original dataset. Following parameters can be used:

  • nr_bootstrap_samples: how many bootstrap samples to draw, the size of the bootstrap distribution. Default value is set to 1000, but we propose to take the largest feasible number to get the best results.
  • seed: random seed. Default value None skips setting the seed value.
  • sampling: select the type of sampling - possible to choose between nonparametric or hierarchical sampling, default value is nonparametric.
  • sampling_args: sampling arguments, used only when doing hierarchical sampling. They should be saved in a dictionary, that should include key method. Implemented methods available to choose from are cases and random-effect. For cases sampling a strategy also needs to be defined with an array of equal length as is the number of levels in the dataset, containing zeroes and ones, telling us on which level we sample with replacement and where without.

For example, you can use the non-parametric sampling to get bootstrap distribution of size 1000 on the bootstrap instance from above.

bootstrap.sample(nr_bootstrap_samples=1000, seed=0)

The values of the bootstrap distribution are now saved in the bootstrap.bootstrap_values parameter.

Hierarchical sampling

If you are working with hierarchical data, you need to specify the group structure together with the given sample. There are two different hierarchical sampling methods available to choose from, random-effect and cases sampling. Here is an example of cases sampling where we sample with replacement on all but the last level:

# sample that is grouped like this: [[[0.1, -0.2], [1, -0.5]], [[10, 11]]]
sample = np.array([0.1, -0.2, 1, -0.5, 10, 11])
indices = [[[0, 1], [2, 3]], [[4, 5]]]

hierarchical_bootstrap = boot.Bootstrap(sample, statistic=np.mean, group_indices=indices)

samp_args = {'method': 'cases', 'strategy': [1, 1, 0]}
hierarchical_bootstrap.sample(nr_bootstrap_samples=1000, sampling='hierarchical', sampling_args=samp_args)

Confidence intervals

After the bootstrap distribution is obtained, you can produce the confidence intervals by calling the method ci. Following parameters can be set:

  • coverages: array of coverage levels for which the values need to be computed. In the case of two-sided intervals (side=two) it is a float number.
  • side: it is possible to choose between one and two sided confidence intervals. One-sided returns the left-sided confidence interval threshold x, representing CI in the shape of (-inf, x).
  • method: which method to use for construction of confidence intervals. It is possible to select from percentile, basic, bca, bc, standard, smoothed, double and studentized.
  • nr_bootstrap_samples: number of bootstrap samples. Default value None should be used if the sampling was done before as a separate step and you don't want to repeat it. If the sampling was not done you should specify the number of samples.
  • seed: random seed. Default value None skips setting the seed value.
  • sampling: type of sampling, possible to choose between nonparametric and hierarchical. Passed to the method sample.
  • sampling_args: additional arguments used with hierarchical sampling, passed to the method sample.
  • quantile_type: type of quantiles, possible to select from methods used in numpy's quantile function.

It returns an array of threshold values for confidence intervals of corresponding coverage levels. An example to get the one-sided 95% and 97.5% confidence intervals from the bootstrap instance from above, where sampling was already done:

bootstrap.ci(coverages=[0.95, 0.975], method='bca')

>>> array([0.00272853, 0.0119834 ])

Jackknife after bootstrap

After bootstrap sampling you can diagnose the sampling process with the use of jackknife after bootstrap method, that draws a plot showing the influence each data point has on the statistic value.

Suggestions on which method and parameters to use

For the general use case we propose to use the double bootstrap method. In the case of confidence interval of extreme percentiles, we propose to use the standard bootstrap method.

We suggest to always use the largest number of bootstrap samples that is feasible for your sample size and statistic. If you need to speed up the calculations, lower the number of bootstrap samples from the default value of 1000.

Go to repository Bootstrap-CI-analysis for more detailed information. It includes a detailed study of where bootstrap methods can be used and which one is suggested in certain use case.