Area Under the Repeated Measures Curve

Primary LanguageC++

Area Under the Repeated Measures Curve

Zachary R. McCaw
Updated: 2022-08-20


This package performs inference on the area under the repeated measures curve.


devtools::install_github(repo = 'zrmacc/AURMC')


The function GenData simulates example data in the format expected by this package.

data <- AURMC::GenData(
  censoring_rate = 0.5,
  death_rate = 0.5,
  n = 25,
  tau = 4
##   idx      time status      value
## 1   1 0.0000000      1  0.5524619
## 2   1 1.0000000      1 -0.6749438
## 3   1 2.0000000      1  0.2143595
## 4   1 2.3638814      0  0.3107692
## 5   2 0.0000000      1  0.9170283
## 6   2 0.6309311      2 -0.2232594

The columns are:

  • idx, the subject identifier.
  • time, the observation time.
  • status, coded 0 for censoring, 1 for a measurement, and 2 for a terminal event (e.g. death).
  • value, the value of the measurement at the observation time.

Note that:

  • All subjects must have a baseline record at time = 0 with status = 1.
  • All subjects must have an observation-terminating event as their last record, either status = 0 for censoring or status = 2 for a terminal event.
    • By default, a subject with no observation-terminating event is censored immediately after their last measurement.
  • If a subject’s measurement value is missing (NA), their last value is carried forward.
    • If a subject’s baseline measurement is missing, it is set to zero.


The function InterpolateR provides the ability to linearly interpolate measurements to obtain more precise area estimates:

# Simple example data.
data <- data.frame(
  idx = c(1, 1, 2, 2),
  status = c(1, 0, 1, 2),
  time = c(0, 1, 0, 1),
  value = c(0, 1, 0, -1)
##   idx status time value
## 1   1      1    0     0
## 2   1      0    1     1
## 3   2      1    0     0
## 4   2      2    1    -1
grid <- c(0, 0.5, 1.0)
interpolated <- AURMC::Interpolate(
  data = data,
  grid = grid
##   idx status time value
## 1   1      1  0.0   0.0
## 2   1      1  0.5   0.5
## 3   1      0  1.0   1.0
## 4   2      1  0.0   0.0
## 5   2      1  0.5  -0.5
## 6   2      2  1.0  -1.0

One-sample Problem

Case where the expected area is zero:

data <- AURMC::GenData(
  censoring_rate = 0.5,
  death_rate = 0.5,
  n = 25,
  tau = 4
AURMC::AURMC(data, tau = 2.0)
##       method tau         auc        se     lower     upper         p
## 1 asymptotic   2 -0.01260658 0.2577937 -0.517873 0.4926599 0.9609975

Case where the expected area is non-zero:

data <- AURMC::GenData(
  censoring_rate = 0.5,
  death_rate = 0.5,
  n = 25,
  tau = 4,
  value_mean = 1.0
AURMC::AURMC(data, tau = 2.0)
##       method tau    auc        se     lower    upper          p
## 1 asymptotic   2 1.1985 0.2735012 0.6624475 1.734553 1.1756e-05

Two-sample Problem

Case of no true difference:


# Reference arm.
data0 <- AURMC::GenData(
  censoring_rate = 0.5,
  death_rate = 0.5,
  n = 25,
  tau = 4,
  value_mean = 1.0
data0$arm <- 0

# Treatment arm.
data1 <- AURMC::GenData(
  censoring_rate = 0.5,
  death_rate = 0.5,
  n = 25,
  tau = 4,
  value_mean = 1.0
data1$arm <- 1
data1$idx <- nrow(data0) + data1$idx

# Overall data set.
data <- rbind(data0, data1)

## Arm 0:
##       method arm tau auc    se lower upper        p
## 1 asymptotic   0 3.6   1 0.227 0.556  1.45 1.01e-05
## Arm 1:
##       method arm tau  auc    se lower upper        p
## 1 asymptotic   1 3.6 1.34 0.278 0.793  1.88 1.47e-06
## Contrast:
##       method  stat   est    se  lower upper     p
## 1 asymptotic A1-A0 0.336 0.358 -0.366  1.04 0.348
## 2 asymptotic A1/A0 1.340 0.411  0.732  2.44 0.346

Case of a true differnece:


# Reference arm.
data0 <- AURMC::GenData(
  censoring_rate = 0.5,
  death_rate = 0.5,
  n = 25,
  tau = 4,
  value_mean = 1.0
data0$arm <- 0

# Treatment arm.
data1 <- AURMC::GenData(
  censoring_rate = 0.5,
  death_rate = 0.5,
  n = 25,
  tau = 4,
  value_mean = 2.0
data1$arm <- 1
data1$idx <- nrow(data0) + data1$idx

# Overall data set.
data <- rbind(data0, data1)

## Arm 0:
##       method arm tau auc    se lower upper        p
## 1 asymptotic   0 3.6   1 0.227 0.556  1.45 1.01e-05
## Arm 1:
##       method arm tau  auc    se lower upper        p
## 1 asymptotic   1 3.6 2.53 0.458  1.63  3.43 3.44e-08
## Contrast:
##       method  stat  est    se lower upper       p
## 1 asymptotic A1-A0 1.53 0.511 0.526  2.53 0.00281
## 2 asymptotic A1/A0 2.53 0.733 1.430  4.46 0.00140